How to use the command 'fdroid' (with examples)

How to use the command 'fdroid' (with examples)

The ‘fdroid’ command is a build tool for F-Droid, an installable catalog of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. It allows users to build, publish, and install apps, as well as perform other tasks related to managing FOSS applications on Android devices.

Use case 1: Build a specific app


fdroid build app_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to build a specific app from the F-Droid repository.

Explanation: The ‘fdroid build’ command is used to build apps. The ‘app_id’ argument specifies the ID of the app you want to build.

Example output: The command will build the specified app and generate the necessary build artifacts.

Use case 2: Build a specific app in a build server VM


fdroid build app_id --server

Motivation: When you have a more complex build process with specific dependencies or requirements, it can be useful to build the app in a build server VM. This ensures a controlled and consistent environment for the build process.

Explanation: The ‘–server’ option instructs the ‘fdroid build’ command to build the specified app in a build server VM.

Example output: The command will initiate the build process in the build server VM and generate the necessary build artifacts.

Use case 3: Publish the app to the local repository


fdroid publish app_id

Motivation: After building an app, you may want to publish it to the local repository so that it can be installed and distributed to devices.

Explanation: The ‘fdroid publish’ command is used to publish apps to the local repository. The ‘app_id’ argument specifies the ID of the app you want to publish.

Example output: The command will publish the specified app to the local repository, making it available for installation.

Use case 4: Install the app on every connected device


fdroid install app_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly install the app on all connected devices for testing or distribution purposes.

Explanation: The ‘fdroid install’ command is used to install apps on connected devices. The ‘app_id’ argument specifies the ID of the app you want to install.

Example output: The command will install the specified app on every connected device.

Use case 5: Check if the metadata is formatted correctly


fdroid lint --format app_id

Motivation: It is important to ensure that the metadata of an app is properly formatted to guarantee compatibility and consistency in the F-Droid repository.

Explanation: The ‘fdroid lint’ command is used to check the formatting of the metadata. The ‘–format’ option specifies the formatting check. The ‘app_id’ argument specifies the ID of the app whose metadata you want to check.

Example output: The command will check if the metadata of the specified app is formatted correctly and provide any formatting errors or warnings.

Use case 6: Fix the formatting automatically (if possible)


fdroid rewritemeta app_id

Motivation: When the metadata of an app is not properly formatted, the ‘fdroid rewritemeta’ command can automatically fix the formatting, if possible.

Explanation: The ‘fdroid rewritemeta’ command is used to fix the formatting of the metadata. The ‘app_id’ argument specifies the ID of the app whose metadata you want to fix.

Example output: The command will attempt to automatically fix the formatting of the metadata of the specified app and provide the updated metadata.


The ‘fdroid’ command is a versatile build tool for managing FOSS applications on Android devices. With its various options and arguments, it allows users to build, publish, and install apps, as well as perform other tasks related to managing FOSS applications. By following the provided examples, users can effectively utilize the ‘fdroid’ command to streamline their app development and distribution process.

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