How to use the command 'fiascotopnm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'fiascotopnm' (with examples)

Fiascotopnm is a command-line tool that allows users to convert compressed FIASCO files to PNM images. This can be useful for working with image files in the FIASCO format, as it allows them to be converted into a more widely-supported format for further editing or viewing. In this article, we will explore five different use cases for the ‘fiascotopnm’ command and provide examples of how to use it effectively.

Use case 1: Converting a compressed FIASCO file to a PNM file


fiascotopnm path/to/file.fiasco -o output_file_basename

Motivation: By using this command, you can convert a single compressed FIASCO file to a PNM file. This can be useful if you need to work with the image in a different format, such as for editing or sharing purposes.


  • fiascotopnm: This is the command itself.
  • path/to/file.fiasco: This is the path to the input FIASCO file that you want to convert.
  • -o output_file_basename: This option specifies the basename of the output file(s). The converted PNM file(s) will be named using this basename.

Example output: If the input file is “image.fiasco” and the output basename is “output”, the command will generate a PNM file named “output.pnm”.

Use case 2: Using fast decompression


fiascotopnm --fast path/to/file.fiasco -o output_file_basename

Motivation: In some cases, you may need to prioritize speed over quality when converting FIASCO files. By using the ‘–fast’ option, the command will perform fast decompression, which may result in slightly decreased quality of the output file(s).


  • –fast: This option enables fast decompression mode.
  • path/to/file.fiasco: This is the path to the input FIASCO file that you want to convert.
  • -o output_file_basename: This option specifies the basename of the output file(s).

Example output: The command will convert the FIASCO file to a PNM file with slightly decreased quality due to the fast decompression mode.

Use case 3: Loading options from a configuration file


fiascotopnm --config path/to/fiascorc path/to/file.fiasco -o output_file_basename

Motivation: If you have a specific set of options that you frequently use, you can save them in a configuration file and load them with this command. This can save time and ensure consistency when converting FIASCO files to PNM.


  • –config path/to/fiascorc: This option specifies the path to the configuration file from which to load the options.
  • path/to/file.fiasco: This is the path to the input FIASCO file that you want to convert.
  • -o output_file_basename: This option specifies the basename of the output file(s).

Example output: The command will use the options specified in the configuration file to convert the FIASCO file to a PNM file.

Use case 4: Magnifying the decompressed image(s)


fiascotopnm --magnify n path/to/file.fiasco -o output_file_basename

Motivation: If you need to increase the size of the decompressed image(s), you can use the ‘–magnify’ option to magnify them by a factor of 2^n. This can be useful when working with low-resolution images or when you need a larger version of the image for a specific purpose.


  • –magnify n: This option specifies the magnification factor. The decompressed image(s) will be magnified by a factor of 2^n.
  • path/to/file.fiasco: This is the path to the input FIASCO file that you want to convert.
  • -o output_file_basename: This option specifies the basename of the output file(s).

Example output: If the magnification factor is 2 and the input file is “image.fiasco”, the command will generate a magnified PNM file named “output.pnm”.

Use case 5: Smoothing the decompressed image(s)


fiascotopnm --smooth n path/to/file.fiasco -o output_file_basename

Motivation: If you want to improve the quality of the decompressed image(s), you can use the ‘–smooth’ option to smooth them by the specified amount. Smoothing can help reduce noise or artifacts in the image, resulting in a cleaner and more visually appealing output.


  • –smooth n: This option specifies the amount of smoothing to be applied. The higher the value of n, the more smoothing will be applied.
  • path/to/file.fiasco: This is the path to the input FIASCO file that you want to convert.
  • -o output_file_basename: This option specifies the basename of the output file(s).

Example output: If the smoothing value is 3 and the input file is “image.fiasco”, the command will generate a smoothed PNM file named “output.pnm” with reduced noise and artifacts.


The ‘fiascotopnm’ command is a versatile tool for converting compressed FIASCO files to PNM images. With its various options, you can customize the conversion process to meet your specific needs, such as fast decompression, loading options from a configuration file, magnifying the decompressed image(s), or smoothing the output. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, you can effectively work with FIASCO files in a more widely-supported image format.

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