How to use the command 'firejail' (with examples)

How to use the command 'firejail' (with examples)

Firejail is a Linux utility that allows users to securely sandbox processes to containers using built-in Linux capabilities. It helps enhance security by limiting the access of processes to the system resources and other parts of the file system, reducing the risk of potential threats.

Use case 1: Integrate firejail with your desktop environment


sudo firecfg

Motivation: Integrating firejail with the desktop environment allows you to automatically sandbox various applications and processes, providing an additional layer of security. By running the firecfg command with sudo, it automatically configures firejail to be used with the desktop environment.


  • sudo: Runs the following command as a superuser or with administrative privileges.
  • firecfg: A firejail command that automatically configures firejail to integrate with the desktop environment.

Example output:

Firejail configuration upgraded successfully.

Use case 2: Open a restricted Mozilla Firefox


firejail firefox

Motivation: Running Mozilla Firefox in a restricted environment can help protect your system from potential security issues. By running Firefox in a sandboxed environment, you can isolate it from the rest of your system, minimizing the impact of any malicious activity.


  • firefox: The application you want to run in the firejail sandbox.

Example output:

Mozilla Firefox opens, running within the firejail sandbox.

Use case 3: Start a restricted Apache server on a known interface and address


firejail --net=eth0 --ip= /etc/init.d/apache2 start

Motivation: Starting an Apache server in a restricted environment can be beneficial in scenarios where security is a concern. By running the Apache server in a firejail sandbox with specific network settings, you can limit access to the server only through the specified interface and address.


  • --net=eth0: Specifies the network interface to be used.
  • --ip= Specifies the IP address to be used.
  • /etc/init.d/apache2 start: The command to start the Apache server.

Example output:

Apache server starts within the firejail sandbox, accessible only through the specified interface and IP address.

Use case 4: List running sandboxes


firejail --list

Motivation: Listing all the running sandboxes can help you keep track of the firejail instances currently in use. It provides visibility into the processes being sandboxed, aiding in monitoring and management.


  • --list: Lists all the running firejail sandboxes.

Example output:

1: firefox
2: apache2

Use case 5: List network activity from running sandboxes


firejail --netstats

Motivation: Monitoring network activity from running firejail sandboxes can be crucial for identifying any suspicious behavior or unnecessary connections. By using the --netstats option, you can gain insights into the network traffic generated by the sandboxed processes.


  • --netstats: Displays network statistics for all running firejail sandboxes.

Example output:

Sandbox 1:
- Total received bytes: 2456
- Total sent bytes: 5327

Sandbox 2:
- Total received bytes: 3876
- Total sent bytes: 2189

Use case 6: Shutdown a running sandbox


firejail --shutdown=7777

Motivation: Shutting down a running sandbox can be necessary when you want to terminate a firejail instance. This can help with resource management and ensure that any sandboxed processes are completely terminated.


  • --shutdown=7777: Initiates the shutdown of the firejail sandbox with the ID 7777.

Example output:

The firejail sandbox with ID 7777 has been shutdown successfully.


The firejail command provides powerful sandboxing capabilities to enhance the security of your Linux system. By integrating firejail with your desktop environment, running restricted applications, and managing sandbox instances, you can significantly reduce the risk of potential threats. Understanding and utilizing the various options and commands available can help you effectively utilize firejail for your security needs.

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