How to use the command 'fisher' (with examples)

How to use the command 'fisher' (with examples)

Fisher is a fish-shell plugin manager that allows users to easily install, update, and remove plugins for their fish shell. It provides a simple and convenient way to manage plugins and improve the functionality of the fish shell.

Use case 1: Install one or more plugins


fisher plugin1 plugin2


Installing plugins is one of the main use cases of the ‘fisher’ command. By providing the names of the plugins as arguments, users can easily install multiple plugins at once.


  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.
  • plugin1 plugin2: The names of the plugins to be installed. Users can provide as many plugin names as required, separated by a space.

Example Output:

Installing plugin1...
Installing plugin2...

Use case 2: Install a plugin from a GitHub gist


fisher gist_url


Sometimes plugins are shared as GitHub gists. With the ‘fisher’ command, users can directly install a plugin from a given GitHub gist URL without having to manually download and set it up.


  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.
  • gist_url: The URL of the GitHub gist containing the plugin. It should be a publicly accessible gist.

Example Output:

Installing plugin from gist_url...

Use case 3: Edit ‘fishfile’ manually and install multiple plugins


editor ~/.config/fish/fishfile; fisher


Sometimes users may prefer to manually edit the ‘fishfile’, which is a file that lists the plugins to be installed. This use case allows users to open the ‘fishfile’ in their favorite editor, make changes, and then install the plugins listed in the file.


  • editor: The user’s preferred text editor, which in the example is set as the default $EDITOR variable.
  • ~/.config/fish/fishfile: The path to the ‘fishfile’ containing the list of plugins to be installed.
  • ;: A command separator to execute two commands sequentially.
  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.

Example Output:

Opening fishfile in the editor...
Installing plugins from fishfile...

Use case 4: List installed plugins


fisher ls


Being able to list the installed plugins helps users keep track of which plugins they have installed and manage them more effectively. This use case provides a simple way to check the currently installed plugins.


  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.
  • ls: The ’ls’ subcommand, used to list the installed plugins.

Example Output:


Use case 5: Update plugins


fisher update


Plugins often receive updates, bug fixes, or new features. Keeping plugins up to date is essential for maintaining their functionality. This use case allows users to easily update all installed plugins in one go.


  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.
  • update: The ‘update’ subcommand, used to update all installed plugins.

Example Output:

Updating plugin1...
Updating plugin2...

Use case 6: Remove one or more plugins


fisher remove plugin1 plugin2


As needs change, users may no longer require certain plugins. Instead of leaving them installed and cluttering the fish shell, this use case allows users to easily remove one or more plugins.


  • fisher: The command itself, used to manage fish shell plugins.
  • remove: The ‘remove’ subcommand, used to remove plugins.
  • plugin1 plugin2: The names of the plugins to be removed. Users can provide as many plugin names as required, separated by a space.

Example Output:

Removing plugin1...
Removing plugin2...


The ‘fisher’ command is a powerful plugin manager for fish shell, providing an easy and convenient way to install, update, and remove plugins. By understanding the various use cases and functionalities of the ‘fisher’ command, users can enhance their fish shell experience and customize it to their specific needs.

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