Using the fkill Command (with examples)

Using the fkill Command (with examples)

The fkill command is a powerful cross-platform tool that allows users to easily kill processes by their PID, name, or port. It provides an interactive interface that simplifies the process of terminating unwanted processes on your system. In this article, we will explore some common use cases of the fkill command and provide code examples to demonstrate its capabilities.

Use Case 1: Running the fkill Command without Arguments



Motivation: Running the fkill command without arguments launches the interactive interface. This interface provides a list of running processes and allows you to select and kill a process using a simple prompt.

Explanation: When executed without any arguments, the fkill command starts the interactive interface. The interface displays a list of processes along with their associated PIDs and allows you to select a process to terminate. It provides a user-friendly way to identify and kill processes without the need for remembering PIDs or process names.

Example Output:

ℹ️  Process killed: Chrome (PID: 12345)

Use Case 2: Killing a Process by PID


fkill pid

Motivation: There might be situations where you already know the PID of the process you want to terminate. In such cases, using the fkill command with the pid argument allows you to kill the desired process quickly.

Explanation: When using the fkill command with the pid argument, you can provide the PID of the process you want to terminate. The command will then kill that process instantly without any further interaction.

Example Output:

ℹ️  Process killed: 12345

Use Case 3: Killing a Process by Name


fkill name

Motivation: If you know the name of the process you want to terminate but don’t have the PID, using the fkill command with the name argument provides a convenient way to kill the process without manually finding its PID.

Explanation: When using the fkill command with the name argument, you need to provide the name of the process you want to terminate. The command will then search for processes with a matching name and prompt you to select the one you wish to terminate.

Example Output:

? Which process do you want to kill?
1️⃣ 12345
2️⃣ 67890
Use arrow keys to navigate and press Enter to select.

Use Case 4: Killing a Process by Port


fkill :port

Motivation: Sometimes, it’s necessary to terminate a process that is listening on a specific port. By using the fkill command with the :port argument, you can easily identify and kill the process associated with the specified port.

Explanation: When using the fkill command with the :port argument, you need to provide the port number of the process you want to terminate. The command will then search for processes that are using the specified port and prompt you to select the one you wish to terminate.

Example Output:

? Which process do you want to kill?
node.exe: listening on port 3000
1️⃣ 12345
2️⃣ 67890
Use arrow keys to navigate and press Enter to select.

In conclusion, the fkill command is an essential tool for managing processes efficiently. It provides a user-friendly way to kill processes by their PID, name, or port. Whether using the interactive interface or specifying the process details directly, the fkill command simplifies the process termination process, making it a valuable addition to any developer or system administrator’s toolkit.

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