How to use the command 'flash' (with examples)

How to use the command 'flash' (with examples)

The ‘flash’ command is a tool that allows users to create and study flashcards directly in the terminal. It provides a simple and efficient way to reinforce learning and memorization of various subjects. The command offers a range of options to customize the flashcard experience, from selecting decks to changing the previewer.

Use case 1: Open a menu of available flashcard decks for selection



Motivation: By running the ‘flash’ command without any arguments, a menu of available flashcard decks is displayed. This allows users to easily select a specific deck they want to study.

Explanation: The command ‘flash’ is executed without any additional arguments. This triggers the default behavior of the command, which is to display a menu of available flashcard decks.

Example output:

Available flashcard decks:
1. Math
2. Science
3. History

Select a deck to study:

Use case 2: Display the program version


flash -v

Motivation: Knowing the program version can be useful for keeping track of updates and ensuring compatibility. By running this command, users can quickly get information about the version of the ‘flash’ program they are using.

Explanation: The ‘-v’ option is passed to the ‘flash’ command to request the program version. The command then prints the version information to the terminal.

Example output:

Flash version 1.2.3

Use case 3: Display information about the flashcard system


flash -i

Motivation: Understanding the underlying system and mechanics of the flashcard tool can help users optimize their study sessions. This command provides essential information about the flashcard system, allowing users to gain insights into how it works.

Explanation: The ‘-i’ option is used to request information about the flashcard system. When executed, the ‘flash’ command prints details about the system, including the number of flashcards, decks, and study statistics.

Example output:

Flashcard system information:

Number of decks: 5
Number of flashcards: 100
Number of times studied: 50
Average study time: 20 minutes

Use case 4: Display a list of available commands


flash -h

Motivation: Familiarizing oneself with available commands is crucial for efficiently using any tool. Running this command allows users to access a handy list of available commands along with a brief description of each one.

Explanation: The ‘-h’ option is used to display the help menu for the ‘flash’ command. It lists all the available commands and provides a short description of each one.

Example output:

Available commands:
- flash: Open a menu of available flashcard decks for selection.
- flash -v: Display the program version.
- flash -i: Display information about the flashcard system.
- flash -h: Display a list of available commands.
- flash -p <previewer>: Change the previewer from default 'bat' to specified previewer.
- flash -s: Study the flashcards in the selected deck.

Use case 5: Change the previewer from default ‘bat’ to ‘cat’


flash -p cat

Motivation: Changing the previewer can customize the way flashcards are displayed during study sessions. By using this command, users can switch from the default ‘bat’ previewer to the ‘cat’ previewer for a different viewing experience.

Explanation: The ‘-p’ option is used to specify the previewer to be used for displaying flashcards. In this example, the ‘cat’ viewer is selected. The command applies the specified previewer to all flashcards in the selected deck.

Example output:

The flashcards are displayed using the 'cat' previewer. This previewer provides a plaintext view of the flashcard content without syntax highlighting.


The ‘flash’ command is a versatile tool for creating and studying flashcards in the terminal. With its various options, users can easily access flashcard decks, view system information, change previewers, and more. By leveraging this command, users can enhance their learning process and optimize their study sessions effectively.

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