How to use the command 'flex' (with examples)

How to use the command 'flex' (with examples)

Flex is a command-line tool used for generating lexical analyzers based on the ’lex’ specification. It takes in a specification for a lexical analyzer and generates C code that can implement it.

Use case 1: Generate an analyzer from a flex file


flex analyzer.l

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a flex specification file (analyzer.l) and you want to generate the corresponding C code for the analyzer. By running this command, Flex reads the analyzer.l file and generates the necessary C code.


  • flex: The command itself.
  • analyzer.l: The input file that contains the specification for the lexical analyzer.

Example output: This command will generate a file called ’lex.yy.c’, which contains the C code implementing the lexical analyzer based on the specification in ‘analyzer.l’.

Use case 2: Specify the output file


flex --outfile analyzer.c analyzer.l

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to specify a custom name for the output file containing the generated C code. By default, Flex generates the output file as ’lex.yy.c’, but using this command, you can provide a custom name, such as ‘analyzer.c’.


  • flex: The command itself.
  • --outfile: This flag indicates that you want to specify the output file.
  • analyzer.c: The custom name you want to provide for the output file.
  • analyzer.l: The input file that contains the specification for the lexical analyzer.

Example output: This command will generate a file called ‘analyzer.c’, which contains the C code implementing the lexical analyzer based on the specification in ‘analyzer.l’.

Use case 3: Compile a C file generated by flex


cc path/to/lex.yy.c --output executable

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have already generated the C code using Flex and you want to compile it into an executable file. By running this command, the C file will be compiled using the ‘cc’ command.


  • cc: The C compiler command.
  • path/to/lex.yy.c: The path to the C file generated by Flex.
  • --output: This flag indicates that you want to specify the output file name for the compiled executable.
  • executable: The name you want to provide for the compiled executable file.

Example output: This command will compile the ’lex.yy.c’ file and generate an executable file named ’executable’. The output file can then be executed to run the lexical analyzer.


The ‘flex’ command is a powerful tool for generating lexical analyzers in C from flex specification files. It provides various options for customization, such as specifying the output file name and compiling the generated code into an executable. Understanding these use cases will help you effectively use the ‘flex’ command to generate and work with lexical analyzers.

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