How to use the command "flow" (with examples)

How to use the command "flow" (with examples)

The command “flow” is a static type checker for JavaScript. It allows you to catch bugs and type errors in your JavaScript code before runtime. This article provides examples of various use cases for the “flow” command.

Use case 1: Run a flow check



Motivation: One of the primary use cases of the “flow” command is to perform a flow check. This command checks all the files in your JavaScript project for static type errors and provides detailed information about any issues found.

Explanation: The “flow” command without any arguments runs a flow check on the entire project.

Example output:

No errors!
Found 10 potential errors

In this example, the flow check was successful and no errors were found. However, the flow checker identified 10 potential errors that might need further inspection.

Use case 2: Check which files are being checked by flow


flow ls

Motivation: When working with larger projects, it can be helpful to know which files are being checked by flow. The “flow ls” command provides a list of all the files that are included in the flow check.

Explanation: The “flow ls” command lists all the files that flow is checking for type errors.

Example output:


This output indicates that flow is checking three files: “file1.js”, “file2.js”, and “file3.js”.

Use case 3: Run a type coverage check on all files in a directory


flow batch-coverage --show-all --strip-root path/to/directory

Motivation: Type coverage analysis helps identify areas of code that might not be well-typed or that lack type annotations. Running a type coverage check on all files in a directory can provide an overview of the type coverage for the entire project.

Explanation: The “flow batch-coverage” command analyzes the type coverage for all files in a given directory. The “–show-all” flag displays coverage information for every file, including files with 100% coverage. The “–strip-root” argument removes the root portion of the file path from the coverage report.

Example output:

File                                    Flow Coverage
/path/to/directory/file1.js             100%
/path/to/directory/subdir/file2.js      75%
/path/to/directory/subdir/file3.js      50%

In this example, the coverage check was performed on all files in the “path/to/directory” directory. The table displays the file path and its corresponding flow coverage percentage.

Use case 4: Display line-by-line type coverage stats


flow coverage --color path/to/file.jsx

Motivation: When working with specific files, it can be helpful to see the type coverage at a more granular level. The “flow coverage” command provides line-by-line type coverage statistics, allowing you to identify areas of code that might require additional attention.

Explanation: The “flow coverage” command provides line-by-line type coverage statistics for a specific file. The “–color” flag enables color highlighting to indicate the coverage status of each line.

Example output:

  1: // @flow
  3: const add = (a: number, b: number): number => {
  4:   return a + b;
  5: };
  7: const result = add(5, '10'); // Type error: argument 'b' should be a number
  8: console.log(result);
 10: // ... (rest of the file)

In this example, the output displays the code with line numbers and color highlighting applied. The line with the type error is marked with an error message indicating that the argument ‘b’ should be a number.


The “flow” command is a powerful tool for static type checking in JavaScript. It helps identify potential type errors during development, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors. The provided examples demonstrate how to use the “flow” command for various use cases, including running checks, analyzing coverage, and viewing type feedback at both file and line levels. By incorporating “flow” into your development workflow, you can improve code quality and maintainability in your JavaScript projects.

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