Using flyctl Command (with examples)

Using flyctl Command (with examples)

1: Sign into a Fly account

flyctl auth login


The auth login command is used to authenticate and sign into a Fly account. It allows you to access and manage your applications using the flyctl command-line tool.


No arguments are required for this command. When executed, it will prompt you to open a link in your web browser, allowing you to sign in to your Fly account. After successful authentication, you will be redirected back to the command-line tool.

Example Output:

Opening browser for authentication...
Authenticated successfully.

2: Launch an application from a specific Dockerfile

flyctl launch --dockerfile path/to/dockerfile


The launch command is used to deploy a Fly application from a Dockerfile. By specifying a specific Dockerfile path, you can customize the build process and dependencies for your application.


The --dockerfile flag is used to specify the path to the Dockerfile that you want to use for building your application. This path can either be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Example Output:

Building Docker image...
Image built successfully.
Deploying application...
Application deployed successfully.

3: Open the current deployed application in the default web browser

flyctl open


The open command allows you to quickly access the URL of your deployed application in the default web browser. It saves you from manually entering the URL and makes it convenient to view your application.


No arguments are required for this command. When executed, it will open the URL of the currently deployed application in your default web browser.

Example Output:

Opening in your default browser...

This will open the URL of the deployed application in your default web browser.

4: Deploy the Fly applications from a specific Dockerfile

flyctl deploy --dockerfile path/to/dockerfile


The deploy command is used to redeploy a Fly application with the specified Dockerfile. It allows you to update your application’s code or dependencies and deploy the latest version.


The --dockerfile flag is used to specify the path to the Dockerfile that you want to use for redeploying your application. This path can either be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Example Output:

Building Docker image...
Image built successfully.
Deploying application...
Application deployed successfully.

5: Open the Fly Web UI for the current application in a web browser

flyctl dashboard


The dashboard command allows you to quickly access the Fly Web UI for the current application in a web browser. It provides a graphical interface to manage your application and perform various actions.


No arguments are required for this command. When executed, it will open the Fly Web UI in your default web browser, displaying the details and settings of the currently selected application.

Example Output:

Opening Fly Web UI for the current application in your default browser...

This will open the Fly Web UI for the currently selected application in your default web browser.

6: List all applications in the logged-in Fly account

flyctl apps list


The apps list command allows you to view a list of all applications associated with your logged-in Fly account. It helps you keep track of the applications you have deployed.


No arguments are required for this command. When executed, it will retrieve and display a table of all applications in your Fly account, including their names, organization, and status.

Example Output:

Listing all applications...

example-app      my-org       running  
another-app      my-org       running  

7: View the status of a specific running application

flyctl status --app app_name


The status command allows you to view the status and details of a specific running application. It provides information about the application’s deployment, instances, and other relevant details.


The --app flag is used to specify the name of the application you want to retrieve the status for. Replace “app_name” with the actual name of your application.

Example Output:

Fetching status for 'example-app'...

00001        running  http        lhr      

8: Show version information

flyctl version


The version command allows you to view the version information for the flyctl command-line tool. It helps you keep track of the tool’s current version and check for any available updates.


No arguments are required for this command. When executed, it will display the current version of the flyctl command-line tool.

Example Output:

flyctl version 0.12.1


The flyctl command-line tool provides a convenient way to manage and deploy applications on the Fly platform. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases of the flyctl command, you can effectively deploy, monitor, and control your applications.

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