Using the Fortune Command (with examples)

Using the Fortune Command (with examples)

The fortune command is a fun tool that prints random quotations in the style of fortune cookies. It can be an enjoyable way to start your day, entertain yourself, or add some inspiration to your work. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the fortune command and provide code examples for each scenario.

1. Print a quotation

To print a random quotation, simply execute the fortune command without any arguments.


Motivation: Using the fortune command without specifying any options will print a random quote, providing a moment of joy or inspiration in your day.

Example Output:

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

2. Print an offensive quotation

If you enjoy a bit of edginess or dark humor, you can use the -o option to print offensive quotations.

fortune -o

Motivation: Sometimes, a little dark humor can lighten up your mood or add some spice to your day. The fortune -o command allows you to embrace a more unconventional sense of humor.

Example Output:

You're not being paid to believe in the power of your dreams.

3. Print a long quotation

If you prefer longer quotes that provide more context or depth, you can use the -l option.

fortune -l

Motivation: Long quotes can provide more profound insights and require a moment of reflection. Using the fortune -l command allows you to delve deeper into the wisdom of each quote.

Example Output:

The only real valuable thing is intuition.

4. Print a short quotation

If brevity is your preference, you can use the -s option to print short quotations.

fortune -s

Motivation: Short quotes can convey powerful messages in a concise manner, providing quick bursts of inspiration or humor. The fortune -s command allows you to access a collection of compact quotes.

Example Output:

A penny saved is ridiculous.

5. List the available quotation database files

The fortune command uses different quotation databases. To see a list of available database files, use the -f option.

fortune -f

Motivation: Listing the available quotation database files is useful when you want to explore the different categories or sources of quotes that the fortune command provides.

Example Output:


6. Print a quotation from a specific database file

If you want to print a quote from a specific database file listed by fortune -f, specify the path to the file as an argument.

fortune path/to/file

Motivation: Using a specific quote database allows you to customize the style or theme of the quotes you receive. You can have dedicated files for jokes, wisdom, programming, or any other topic that interests you.

Example Output:

There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses.

In this article, we have explored various use cases of the fortune command, including printing random quotes, offensive quotes, long quotes, short quotes, listing available quotation database files, and printing quotes from specific database files. Each use case has its own merits and can add a touch of humor, inspiration, or thoughtfulness to your day. So go ahead, give the fortune command a try and enjoy the random wisdom it brings to your terminal.

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