Using the Fossil `rm` Command (with examples)

Using the Fossil `rm` Command (with examples)

Use Case 1: Remove a file or directory from Fossil version control


fossil rm path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: The fossil rm command is used to remove files or directories from Fossil version control. This can be useful when you no longer want a file or directory to be tracked by Fossil.

Explanation: In this use case, you need to provide the path to the file or directory that you want to remove from version control. Fossil will mark the file or directory as removed and it will no longer be tracked in future commits.

Example output:

Deleted path/to/file_or_directory

Use Case 2: Remove a file or directory from Fossil version control and delete it from the disk


fossil rm --hard path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to not only remove a file or directory from version control but also physically delete it from the disk. This can be useful when you no longer need the file or directory and want to free up disk space.

Explanation: In addition to the file or directory path, you need to use the --hard option to indicate that you want Fossil to delete the file or directory from the disk as well. Be cautious when using this option as the file or directory will be permanently deleted.

Example output:

Deleted path/to/file_or_directory

Use Case 3: Re-add all previously removed and uncommitted files to Fossil version control


fossil rm --reset

Motivation: There may be situations where you have previously removed files or directories using the fossil rm command, but you decide later that you want to re-add them to version control. This use case allows you to undo the removal of all previously removed and uncommitted files.

Explanation: By using the --reset option, Fossil will restore all previously removed and uncommitted files to the version control system. This can be useful when you accidentally removed files or changed your mind about excluding them from version control.

Example output:

Restored path/to/removed_file
Restored path/to/removed_directory

Remember to always double-check your changes before executing the fossil rm command to ensure you don’t accidentally remove important files or directories.

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