How to use the command fscrypt (with examples)

How to use the command fscrypt (with examples)

fscrypt is a command-line tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption. It provides functionalities to prepare the root filesystem, enable encryption for a directory, unlock or lock an encrypted directory, and more.

Use case 1: Prepare the root filesystem for use with fscrypt


fscrypt setup

Motivation: Preparing the root filesystem for use with fscrypt is necessary before enabling encryption for any directory. This command initializes the necessary metadata and configuration files for fscrypt to work with the root filesystem.


  • fscrypt: The command-line tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption.
  • setup: This subcommand is used to prepare the root filesystem for use with fscrypt.

Example output:

Preparing root filesystem for use with fscrypt...
Root filesystem ready for use with fscrypt.

Use case 2: Enable filesystem encryption for a directory


fscrypt encrypt path/to/directory

Motivation: Enabling filesystem encryption for sensitive directories provides an additional layer of security. By encrypting the directory, the data stored within it becomes inaccessible without the decryption key.


  • fscrypt: The command-line tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption.
  • encrypt: This subcommand is used to enable filesystem encryption for a directory.
  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory that needs to be encrypted.

Example output:

Enabling filesystem encryption for directory 'path/to/directory'...
Directory 'path/to/directory' successfully encrypted.

Use case 3: Unlock an encrypted directory


fscrypt unlock path/to/encrypted_directory

Motivation: Unlocking an encrypted directory is necessary to gain access to the files and folders within it. This command prompts for the passphrase or key required for decryption, allowing the user to access the encrypted data.


  • fscrypt: The command-line tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption.
  • unlock: This subcommand is used to unlock an encrypted directory.
  • path/to/encrypted_directory: The path to the encrypted directory that needs to be unlocked.

Example output:

Unlocking encrypted directory 'path/to/encrypted_directory'...
Please enter the passphrase or key to unlock the directory:
Directory 'path/to/encrypted_directory' unlocked successfully.

Use case 4: Lock an encrypted directory


fscrypt lock path/to/encrypted_directory

Motivation: Locking an encrypted directory ensures that the data within it remains protected. By locking the directory, unauthorized access to the encrypted data is prevented, unless the correct passphrase or key is provided to unlock it again.


  • fscrypt: The command-line tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption.
  • lock: This subcommand is used to lock an encrypted directory.
  • path/to/encrypted_directory: The path to the encrypted directory that needs to be locked.

Example output:

Locking encrypted directory 'path/to/encrypted_directory'...
Directory 'path/to/encrypted_directory' locked successfully.


fscrypt is a powerful tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption. By following these examples, users can prepare the root filesystem, enable encryption for directories, unlock or lock encrypted directories, and take advantage of the enhanced security provided by file-level encryption on Linux.

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