How to use the command fsutil (with examples)

How to use the command fsutil (with examples)

The fsutil command is a Windows command line utility that provides various functions related to file system management. It allows users to display information about file system volumes, including volume lists, file system information, repair states, and dirty bit states. These features can be useful for system administrators or users who need to monitor and manage file systems on their Windows machines.

Use case 1: Display a list of volumes


fsutil volume list

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to retrieve a list of all the volumes available on your Windows system. It can help you verify the number and types of volumes and identify which drive letters are assigned to each volume.

Explanation: The fsutil volume list command lists all the volumes on the system. It will display information such as the volume name, path, and other details related to each volume.

Example output:

    *** NO MOUNT POINTS ***





Use case 2: Display information about a volume’s file system


fsutil fsInfo volumeInfo C:

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to obtain detailed information about a specific volume’s file system. It can be useful for troubleshooting or verifying the file system’s properties, such as the cluster size, allocation unit size, and file system type.

Explanation: The fsutil fsInfo volumeInfo drive_letter|volume_path command displays information about the specified volume’s file system. You need to replace drive_letter or volume_path with the appropriate identifier for the volume you want to inspect.

Example output:

NTFS FileSystem Volume Information
    Volume Name : Disk_C
    Volume Serial Number : A1B2-C3D4
    Maximum Component Length : 255
    File System Name : NTFS
    Supports Case-sensitive filenames
    Preserves Case of filenames
    Supports Unicode in filenames
    Supports file-based compression
    Supports Disk Quotas
    Supports Sparse files
    Supports Reparse Points
    Supports Object Identifiers
    Supports Encrypted File System
    Supports Named Streams
    Supports Transactions
    Supports Hard Links
    Supports Extended Attributes
    Supports Open By FileID
    Supports USN Journal
    Supports Integrity Streams

Use case 3: Display the current state of file system auto-repair for all volumes


fsutil repair state

Motivation: This use case is beneficial for checking the current state of file system auto-repair for all volumes. It can help you identify whether the auto-repair feature is enabled or disabled for each volume.

Explanation: The fsutil repair state command displays the current state of file system auto-repair for all volumes on the system. It will show whether auto-repair is enabled or disabled for each volume.

Example output:

Auto-Scan Installng Status :          0 (The operation completed successfully.)

Use case 4: Display the dirty bit state of all volumes


fsutil dirty query

Motivation: This use case is useful for checking the dirty bit state of all volumes. The dirty bit is a flag that indicates whether the file system experienced an unclean shutdown. Knowing the dirty bit state can help you identify volumes that may require a file system consistency check.

Explanation: The fsutil dirty query command displays the dirty bit state for all volumes on the system. It will show whether the dirty bit is set or not for each volume.

Example output:

Volume - C: is Dirty
Volume - D: is NOT Dirty

Use case 5: Set the dirty bit state of a volume


fsutil dirty set C:

Motivation: This use case is used to manually set the dirty bit state for a specific volume. Setting the dirty bit on a volume can simulate an unclean shutdown, which may trigger file system auto-repair on the next system startup.

Explanation: The fsutil dirty set drive_letter|volume_path command sets the dirty bit state for the specified volume. You need to replace drive_letter or volume_path with the appropriate identifier for the volume you want to modify.

Example output:

Dirty bit set on volume C:


The fsutil command provides a set of useful functions for managing file systems on Windows systems. With its capabilities to display volume information, file system details, repair states, and dirty bit states, it offers valuable insights into the status and properties of file systems. Whether you are a system administrator or an advanced user, the fsutil command can be an essential tool for file system management and troubleshooting.

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