Using the ftype command (with examples)

Using the ftype command (with examples)

1: Display a list of all file types



Motivation: When working with file extensions and associations in Windows, it can be useful to have a comprehensive list of all file types currently registered on the system. This can help identify conflicts or determine the default programs associated with each file type.

Explanation: The ftype command without any arguments simply displays a list of all file types along with their associated commands or programs. This list includes both the system-defined file types and any custom file types that have been registered.

Example output:


2: Display the associated program for a specific file type


ftype file_type

Motivation: Sometimes you may need to know the default program associated with a specific file type. This can be useful when troubleshooting issues or when you want to change the default program for a particular file type.

Explanation: By specifying the desired file type after the ftype command, you can retrieve information about the associated program. The file_type argument should be the file extension without the dot (e.g., “txt” instead of “.txt”).

Example output:

ftype txtfile
txtfile=%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1

3: Set the associated program for a specific file type


ftype file_type="path/to/executable_file"

Motivation: Occasionally, you may want to change the default program for a specific file type to a different executable file. This can be useful when you prefer to open a certain file type with a specific program or when you’ve installed a new program that can handle that file type more effectively.

Explanation: To set the associated program for a specific file type, use the ftype command along with the file type and the path to the desired executable file enclosed in double quotes. The file_type argument should be the file extension without the dot (e.g., “txt” instead of “.txt”).


ftype txtfile="C:\Program Files\MyTextEditor\texteditor.exe"

Note: Make sure to provide the correct path to the executable file.

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