How to use the command 'fuck' (with examples)

How to use the command 'fuck' (with examples)

The ‘fuck’ command is a tool that allows you to correct your previous console command with ease. It matches the previous command with predefined rules and suggests corrections based on those rules. This can save time and effort when dealing with typos or mistakes in the command line.

Use case 1: Set the ‘fuck’ alias to ’thefuck’ tool


eval "$(thefuck --alias)"

Motivation: Setting the alias for the ‘fuck’ command to ’thefuck’ tool allows you to use the ’thefuck’ command as a replacement for ‘fuck’. This can be helpful if you prefer the longer and more descriptive command name.

Explanation: The ’eval’ command evaluates and executes the output of the ’thefuck –alias’ command, which generates the necessary alias for the ‘fuck’ command.

Example output:

No output is generated for this command, but once the alias is set, you can use ’thefuck’ instead of ‘fuck’.

Use case 2: Try to match a rule for the previous command



Motivation: This command allows you to attempt to find a matching rule for the previous command entered. It will analyze the previous command and suggest a correction if a rule is found.

Explanation: The ‘fuck’ command, when used without any arguments, analyzes the previous command entered in the console and attempts to match it with a predefined rule. If a match is found, it suggests a correction for the command.

Example output:

If the previous command was nake install, the ‘fuck’ command might suggest correcting it to make install.

Use case 3: Confirm the first choice immediately


fuck --yes|yeah|hard

Motivation: This command allows you to immediately accept the first suggested correction without having to manually confirm it. This can be useful when you are confident that the suggested correction is the correct one.

Explanation: The ‘–yes’ or ‘yeah’ argument can be used with the ‘fuck’ command to automatically confirm the first suggested correction without any additional input from the user. The ‘hard’ argument can be used to specify the level of annoyance, with ‘hard’ being the strongest confirmation.

Example output:

If the previous command was git push -u origi master, the ‘fuck’ command might suggest correcting it to git push -u origin master. With the ‘–yes|yeah’ argument, the suggested correction would be automatically accepted.

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