How to use the command fusermount (with examples)

How to use the command fusermount (with examples)

The fusermount command is used to mount and unmount FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) filesystems. FUSE allows developers to implement file systems in user space, rather than in the operating system kernel. This provides more flexibility and allows for the development of custom file systems.

Use case 1: Unmount a FUSE filesystem


fusermount -u path/to/mount_point


The motivation for unmounting a FUSE filesystem is to release the system resources associated with it and make the mount point available for other operations.


  • fusermount: The command to unmount a FUSE filesystem.
  • -u: The option to unmount the filesystem.
  • path/to/mount_point: The path to the mount point directory of the filesystem.

Example output:

Use case 2: Unmount a FUSE filesystem as soon as it becomes unused


fusermount -z path/to/mount_point


The motivation for unmounting a FUSE filesystem as soon as it becomes unused is to automatically release the system resources associated with it when it is no longer in use.


  • fusermount: The command to unmount a FUSE filesystem.
  • -z: The option to unmount the filesystem as soon as it becomes unused.
  • path/to/mount_point: The path to the mount point directory of the filesystem.

Example output:

Use case 3: Display version


fusermount --version


The motivation for displaying the version of fusermount is to check the installed version and ensure compatibility with other tools and dependencies.


  • fusermount: The command to display the version.
  • --version: The option to display the version information.

Example output:

fusermount version 2.9.9


The fusermount command is a useful tool for mounting and unmounting FUSE filesystems. It provides options to unmount filesystems, including the ability to unmount them as soon as they become unused. Additionally, it allows users to check the version of the fusermount command installed on their system.

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