How to Use the Command 'gatsby' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'gatsby' (with Examples)

Gatsby is a popular static site generator that leverages the power of React to help developers create fast, modern websites and applications. It transforms plain text into rich, interactive web experiences. Gatsby is highly regarded for its performance optimizations and the extensive ecosystem that makes it possible to extend and customize sites with plugins, themes, and starters. In this article, we’ll explore several use cases for the Gatsby command-line interface to help you navigate creating, developing, and deploying your Gatsby websites.

Use Case 1: Create a New Site


gatsby new site_name

Creating a new site is the first step for any project. This command initializes a brand-new Gatsby site with all the necessary files and configurations in place, allowing developers to jump-start their projects without manually setting up the project structure.


  • gatsby: This is the command-line interface tool for Gatsby, used to execute various tasks necessary for site creation and development.
  • new: This subcommand signifies that you want to create a new project. It tells the Gatsby CLI to follow the procedure for generating a fresh site.
  • site_name: This argument specifies the name of the directory where your new site will be created. This directory will contain all the site files and can be named anything descriptive related to your project.

Example Output:
After executing this command, you will see output indicating the creation of the site’s directory along with a series of steps showing the installation of dependencies and creation of site files. Messages might include success confirmations of each step, culminating in a reminder to navigate to the newly created directory to start working on your site.

Use Case 2: Create a New Site with a Gatsby ‘Starter’


gatsby new site_name url_of_starter_github_repo

Using a Gatsby ‘starter’ is an excellent way to begin a project with pre-configured templates and components. Starters can greatly accelerate the setup process, providing boilerplates tailored for specific types of projects, such as blogs or portfolios.


  • gatsby: Again, this is the entry point into the command-line interface for working with Gatsby projects.
  • new: This subcommand signals the initiation of a new site creation process.
  • site_name: This is the directory name where the new site using the starter will reside.
  • url_of_starter_github_repo: This URL points to a GitHub repository containing a Gatsby starter. Specifying it ensures that your new site will use the files and configurations pre-defined in this starter template.

Example Output:
Upon completion, you will see information about cloning the starter from the specified GitHub repository, installing all necessary dependencies, and setting up the project structure. This output indicates a ready-to-use site infrastructure based on the provided starter template.

Use Case 3: Start a Live-Reloading Local Development Server


gatsby develop

A live-reloading development server is a powerful tool that improves developer efficiency by automatically refreshing the browser whenever code changes are detected. This workflow minimizes the manual steps required to see updates and facilitates a streamlined productivity experience.


  • gatsby: The central CLI for interacting with Gatsby projects.
  • develop: This subcommand starts a local development environment. It builds your site and serves it locally while watching for changes, triggering rebuilds as necessary.

Example Output:
Running this command opens a local server, typically reachable at http://localhost:8000, and outputs messages about successful builds and diagnoses of potential issues. You will also see logs related to file changes as you edit your code.

Use Case 4: Perform a Production Build and Generate Static HTML


gatsby build

The production build process is vital for preparing your site for deployment. It includes all optimizations necessary to ensure your site runs efficiently in a live environment, such as pre-rendering the pages to static HTML and optimizing images and scripts.


  • gatsby: The command-line interface for Gatsby, facilitating various site-related operations.
  • build: This subcommand compiles the site into production-ready assets. It performs comprehensive optimizations and generates static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, which can be deployed to a web host.

Example Output:
Executing this command will lead to a series of logs indicating the build process’s progress, including completed steps such as asset creation and optimization. The end of the output will show a success message summarizing the build results, including the location of the generated files, typically in a public directory.

Use Case 5: Start a Local Server Which Serves the Production Build


gatsby serve

Testing your production build locally is crucial before deploying it to a live environment, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and as expected. Using a local server to serve the production build provides an accurate preview of how the site will function post-deployment.


  • gatsby: The main CLI command to manage Gatsby sites.
  • serve: This subcommand starts a local server specifically designed to serve the production build that you’ve just generated. It uses the same static files that will be served in production, allowing for thorough pre-deployment testing.

Example Output:
The output will include details of the server that’s now running and the URLs where the production build is being served, typically http://localhost:9000. You will also see log entries confirming successful serving of requests for site resources.


The ‘gatsby’ command provides powerful tools for creating and managing modern web projects with ease and efficiency. Whether you’re setting up a new site, leveraging starter templates, or developing, building, and testing your site, each command adds significant value to different stages of the project lifecycle. Using these commands effectively allows developers to focus on building engaging, high-performing web applications with React.

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