How to use the command "gcloud config set" (with examples)

How to use the command "gcloud config set" (with examples)

The command “gcloud config set” is used to set properties in the Google Cloud CLI configuration. These properties control various aspects of Google Cloud CLI behavior. This article will provide examples of various use cases for this command.

Use case 1: Set the project property in the core section


gcloud config set project project_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to set the default project to be used for future gcloud commands. By setting the project property, you don’t have to specify the project ID every time you run a command.


  • “gcloud config set” is the command used to set a property in the Google Cloud CLI configuration.
  • “project” is the property you want to set.
  • “project_id” is the value you want to set for the project property.

Example output:

Updated property [core/project].

Use case 2: Set the compute zone for future operations


gcloud config set compute/zone zone_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to set the default compute zone to be used for future gcloud compute commands. By setting the compute/zone property, you don’t have to specify the zone name every time you run a compute command.


  • “gcloud config set” is the command used to set a property in the Google Cloud CLI configuration.
  • “compute/zone” is the property you want to set.
  • “zone_name” is the value you want to set for the compute/zone property.

Example output:

Updated property [compute/zone].

Use case 3: Disable prompting to make gcloud suitable for scripting


gcloud config set disable_prompts true

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to automate gcloud commands and disable any prompts that may require user interaction. By setting the disable_prompts property to true, you can make gcloud suitable for scripting.


  • “gcloud config set” is the command used to set a property in the Google Cloud CLI configuration.
  • “disable_prompts” is the property you want to set.
  • “true” is the value you want to set for the disable_prompts property.

Example output:

Updated property [disable_prompts].

Use case 4: View the list of properties currently in use


gcloud config list

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to check the current configuration of your Google Cloud CLI. By using the “config list” subcommand, you can view the list of properties currently in use.


  • “gcloud config list” is the command used to view the list of properties currently in use.

Example output:

region = us-central1
zone = us-central1-a
account =
disable_prompts = true
project = my-project-id

Use case 5: Unset a previously set property


gcloud config unset property_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to unset a previously set property in the Google Cloud CLI configuration. By unsetting a property, you can remove its value and revert back to the default behavior.


  • “gcloud config unset” is the command used to unset a property in the Google Cloud CLI configuration.
  • “property_name” is the name of the property you want to unset.

Example output:

Updated property [compute/zone].

Use case 6: Create a new configuration profile


gcloud config configurations create configuration_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create multiple configuration profiles for different environments or projects. By creating a new configuration profile, you can have separate configuration settings without affecting the default configuration.


  • “gcloud config configurations create” is the command used to create a new configuration profile.
  • “configuration_name” is the name of the new configuration profile you want to create.

Example output:

Created [configuration_name].
Activated [configuration_name].

Use case 7: Switch between different configuration profiles


gcloud config configurations activate configuration_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to switch between different configuration profiles you’ve created. By activating a configuration profile, you can switch to a different set of configuration settings without modifying the default configuration.


  • “gcloud config configurations activate” is the command used to switch between different configuration profiles.
  • “configuration_name” is the name of the configuration profile you want to activate.

Example output:

Activated [configuration_name].


The “gcloud config set” command is a powerful tool for managing the Google Cloud CLI configuration. By using this command, you can set various properties, view the current configuration, unset properties, create new configuration profiles, and switch between them. These use cases provide flexibility and convenience when working with the Google Cloud CLI.

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