How to use the command 'gcloud info' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gcloud info' (with examples)

This article will illustrate the different use cases of the gcloud info command, providing the code, motivation, explanation, and example output for each use case.

Use case 1: Display gcloud environment information


gcloud info

Motivation: By using the gcloud info command, you can quickly and easily retrieve information about the current gcloud environment. This information can be useful for troubleshooting, verifying the installed components and versions, and understanding the configuration of your gcloud tools.

Explanation: No arguments are provided in this use case. The gcloud info command on its own displays comprehensive information about the current gcloud environment, including the active configuration, account, project, region, zone, and available APIs and services.

Example output:

  active_config: default

Use case 2: Check network connectivity and hidden properties


gcloud info --run-diagnostics

Motivation: Running a diagnostic check with the gcloud info --run-diagnostics command can help identify and troubleshoot network connectivity issues and hidden or inaccessible properties within your gcloud environment. This can be particularly useful when you encounter unexpected errors or inconsistencies.

Explanation: The --run-diagnostics flag triggers a diagnostic check while executing the gcloud info command. This diagnostic check performs additional tests to verify network connectivity and access to hidden or protected properties within the gcloud environment.

Example output:

Network diagnostic detects issues with network configuration or connectivity to Google Cloud services.
Network diagnostic output will be written to the following log file:

Use case 3: Print the contents of the most recent log file


gcloud info --show-log

Motivation: When troubleshooting issues or investigating errors related to the gcloud environment, it can be helpful to review the contents of the most recent log file. This can provide valuable insights into the steps executed, any errors encountered, and potentially point towards a resolution.

Explanation: The --show-log flag instructs the gcloud info command to print the contents of the most recent log file associated with the gcloud environment. This log file contains detailed information about the execution of the command, including any error messages or warnings encountered.

Example output:

Starting local processes...
Completed local processes.
INFO: Display format: "json".


The gcloud info command provides valuable information about the current gcloud environment. By utilizing the different use cases demonstrated in this article, you can retrieve environment information, run diagnostics, and review log files to troubleshoot issues, verify configurations, and gain insights into your gcloud tools.

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