How to use the command `gcloud sql backups describe` (with examples)

How to use the command `gcloud sql backups describe` (with examples)

This article will guide you on how to use the gcloud sql backups describe command, along with different use cases and examples.

The gcloud sql backups describe command is used to retrieve detailed information about a backup in Google Cloud SQL. It provides insights such as the backup start time, size, and status. This command helps users gain a better understanding of their backups and make informed decisions based on the retrieved information.

Use case 1: Retrieve information about a backup


gcloud sql backups describe backup_id --instance=instance_id

Motivation: The motivation for using this command is to retrieve specific details about a backup for analysis or debugging purposes. By executing this command, users can obtain information such as the backup start time, size, and status, which can be useful in assessing the health and progress of their backups.


  • backup_id: The unique identifier of the backup for which information needs to be retrieved.
  • --instance: The instance ID of the Cloud SQL instance to which the backup belongs.

Example output:

backupKind: sql#backup
creationTime: '2021-08-30T14:26:50.768667Z'
description: 'Automatic backup by Cloud SQL'
enqueuedTime: '2021-08-30T14:26:50.768667Z'
endTime: '2021-08-30T14:26:51.244426Z'
id: 'backup_id'
kind: sql#backup
selfLink: ''
size: '107315712'
sourceInstance: 'projects/project_id/instances/instance_id'
startTime: '2021-08-30T14:26:50.798Z'
status: 'SUCCESSFUL'
windowStartTime: '2021-08-30T14:26:00Z'

Conclusion: The gcloud sql backups describe command is a powerful tool to retrieve detailed information about backups in Google Cloud SQL. By utilizing this command, users can effectively monitor and evaluate the status and progress of their backups.

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