How to Use the Command 'gdal_translate' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'gdal_translate' (with examples)

The ‘gdal_translate’ command is a versatile tool that allows users to convert raster data between different formats. Whether it is converting raster datasets to a specific format, assigning a projection to a dataset, reducing the size of a dataset, or converting GeoTiff files to Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG), ‘gdal_translate’ is an essential command in the geospatial data processing toolkit.

Use case 1: Convert a raster dataset to JPEG format


gdal_translate -of JPEG path/to/input.tif path/to/output.jpeg

Motivation: Converting a raster dataset to JPEG format can make it more compatible with various image processing software and web applications. JPEG is a widely supported format that offers good compression while maintaining reasonable image quality.

Explanation: The ‘-of’ option specifies the output format, in this case, ‘JPEG’. The ‘path/to/input.tif’ points to the source raster dataset, while ‘path/to/output.jpeg’ defines the destination file name and location.

Example output: The ‘gdal_translate’ command will convert the input.tif raster dataset into a JPEG image and save it as output.jpeg.

Use case 2: Assign a projection to a raster dataset


gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 path/to/input.tif path/to/output.tif

Motivation: Assigning a projection to a raster dataset is crucial for accurate spatial analysis and integration with other geospatial data. By specifying the EPSG code (e.g., EPSG:4326 for WGS 84), you can ensure correct coordinate reference system (CRS) information is associated with the dataset.

Explanation: The ‘-a_srs’ option is used to assign the target spatial reference system (SRS) to the output raster dataset. In this example, EPSG:4326 is specified as the SRS. ‘path/to/input.tif’ represents the source raster file path, and ‘path/to/output.tif’ denotes the output file name and location.

Example output: The ‘gdal_translate’ command will apply the specified spatial reference system (EPSG:4326) to the input.tif raster dataset and save the resulting dataset as output.tif.

Use case 3: Reduce the size of a raster dataset to a specific fraction


gdal_translate -outsize 40% 40% path/to/input.tif path/to/output.tif

Motivation: Reducing the size of a raster dataset can be useful in scenarios where smaller file sizes are desirable or when working with limited resources. This command allows you to generate a downscaled version of the original dataset.

Explanation: The ‘-outsize’ option specifies the desired output size as a fraction of the input raster dataset. In this example, ‘-outsize 40% 40%’ means the output dataset will have dimensions 40% of the original along both axes. ‘path/to/input.tif’ refers to the source raster file, while ‘path/to/output.tif’ represents the desired destination for the downscaled dataset.

Example output: The ‘gdal_translate’ command will create an output.tif file that is 40% of the size of the input.tif dataset, preserving the spatial information.

Use case 4: Convert a GeoTiff to a Cloud Optimized GeoTiff


gdal_translate path/to/input.tif path/to/output.tif -of COG -co COMPRESS=LZW

Motivation: Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG) is a specialized format that allows efficient streaming of raster data in cloud environments. By converting a GeoTiff to COG, you can take advantage of optimized data access patterns and reduce data transfer costs.

Explanation: ‘-of COG’ specifies the output format as Cloud Optimized GeoTiff. ‘-co COMPRESS=LZW’ further configures the output file with LZW compression, which reduces file size without significant loss in image quality. ‘path/to/input.tif’ represents the source GeoTiff file, while ‘path/to/output.tif’ denotes the desired location and name of the COG file.

Example output: The ‘gdal_translate’ command will convert the input.tif GeoTiff into a Cloud Optimized GeoTiff file named output.tif, using LZW compression to reduce file size and maintain data integrity.


The ‘gdal_translate’ command is a powerful tool for converting raster data between different formats and performing various transformation tasks. Whether you need to change the file format, assign a projection, downscale a dataset, or convert to a cloud-optimized format, ‘gdal_translate’ provides the flexibility and functionality necessary for efficient geospatial data processing.

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