How to use the command 'gdaladdo' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gdaladdo' (with examples)

gdaladdo is a utility from the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) designed for building overview images—or commonly referred to as “pyramid layers”—of raster datasets. Overviews are lower-resolution copies of a raster image, allowing for more efficient and faster zooming and navigation when dealing with large raster datasets. The gdaladdo command facilitates the creation of these overviews with various resampling methods, enhancing the performance and usability of raster data in geographic information systems (GIS).

Use case 1: Building overview images using the “average” resampling method


gdaladdo -r average path/to/input.tif


Overviews are essential, especially when working with large raster datasets, as they significantly improve the performance of data visualization and analysis. By creating these overviews, users can experience faster rendering and smoother interactions with their raster images at varying zoom levels, particularly during data inspection or when applications require efficient access to different parts of the raster at different resolutions. The “average” resampling method calculates the average pixel value from the source image for the reduced-resolution overview image, providing a smooth and visually indistinct transition between levels. This approach is optimal for continuous data like satellite images or aerial photographs where maintaining the gradual change in the image is crucial.


  • gdaladdo: This is the GDAL command used to generate overview images for the given raster dataset.
  • -r average: This option specifies the resampling method to be used when generating overviews. “Average” mode averages the pixel values to create a smooth transition between the full-resolution image and its overviews.
  • path/to/input.tif: This is the path to the input raster dataset for which the overview images are being created. “Input.tif” represents the file that you want to optimize by creating overview layers.

Example Output:

On successful execution, gdaladdo generates pyramid layers of the input raster dataset and embeds them in the original file, without producing a direct visual output. The process quietly finishes, indicated by a successful return to the command line, and the generated overviews are directly incorporated as internal structures which GIS software can utilize for faster rendering and quicker data access. In some cases, metadata verification or using tools like gdalinfo can confirm the presence of these overviews within the original raster file, showing characteristics like overview count and level details.

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