How to use the command gedit (with examples)

How to use the command gedit (with examples)

Gedit is a text editor part of the GNOME Desktop project. It is a lightweight yet powerful editor that allows users to easily open and edit text files. This article provides examples of different use cases for the gedit command.

Use case 1: Open a text file


gedit path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly open and edit a specific text file.

Explanation: The gedit command is followed by the path to the text file you want to open. This can be a relative or absolute path.

Example output: The specified text file will be opened in the gedit text editor, allowing you to view and edit its contents.

Use case 2: Open multiple text files


gedit file1 file2 ...

Motivation: Opening multiple text files at once can help improve productivity when working with multiple files simultaneously.

Explanation: The gedit command can accept multiple file names as arguments, separated by spaces. These files will be opened in separate tabs in the gedit text editor.

Example output: Each specified text file will be opened in a separate tab within the gedit text editor, allowing you to easily switch between them.

Use case 3: Open a text file with a specific encoding


gedit --encoding=UTF-8 path/to/file

Motivation: Some text files may be encoded in a specific format, and it is necessary to open them with the correct encoding to view and edit their contents correctly.

Explanation: The --encoding flag is used to specify the encoding format for the text file. In this example, we use the UTF-8 encoding format. The path to the text file is provided as an argument.

Example output: The specified text file will be opened in the gedit text editor, using the specified encoding format to display and edit its contents.

Use case 4: Display a list of supported encodings


gedit --list-encodings

Motivation: If you are unsure about the available encoding formats supported by gedit, you can use this use case to obtain a list of supported encodings.

Explanation: The --list-encodings flag is used to request a list of supported encoding formats for the gedit text editor.

Example output: A list of supported encoding formats will be displayed in the terminal, providing you with the necessary information to open text files with the correct encoding.


The gedit command is a versatile text editor that allows users to open and edit text files easily. Whether you need to open a single file, work with multiple files, set specific encoding, or check for supported encodings, gedit has you covered. By understanding these different use cases, you can make the most of the gedit command and enhance your text editing experience.

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