How to use the command 'genfstab' (with examples)

How to use the command 'genfstab' (with examples)

The genfstab command is a powerful tool used primarily during the installation process of Arch Linux or similar systems. It automatically generates entries suitable for the fstab file, which is a configuration file that contains information about various filesystems and swap partitions. The fstab file is crucial for mounting file systems during boot time. With genfstab, users can easily create system entries that would otherwise require manual configuration and prone to human error. This command ensures the system knows which drives to mount, where to mount them, and how to handle various filesystem features.

Use case 1: Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume label


genfstab -L path/to/mount_point


Using volume labels to generate fstab entries is beneficial in environments where hardware configurations change frequently or when swapping disk drives between different systems. This method is human-readable and more intuitive to manage compared to UUIDs, which are long and not easily recognizable.


  • -L: This option specifies that the genfstab utility should generate entries using the volume label instead of UUIDs or other identifiers. Volume labels are easier to remember and recognize.
  • path/to/mount_point: This specifies the directory where the filesystem is mounted. The tool will read the properties of this mount point to generate fstab entries.

Example Output:

LABEL=MyDrive    /mnt/MyDrive    ext4    defaults    0 0

This output indicates that the drive labeled “MyDrive” is to be mounted at /mnt/MyDrive using the ext4 filesystem with default options during startup.

Use case 2: Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume UUID


genfstab -U path/to/mount_point


Using UUIDs is highly recommended for generating fstab entries since they provide a unique identifier for each filesystem. Unlike labels, which can be duplicated or changed easily, UUIDs ensure that the operating system always refers to the correct storage device, even if the device name changes (e.g., sda to sdb).


  • -U: This flag instructs genfstab to use the universally unique identifier (UUID) for generating the fstab entries. UUIDs are universally unique which helps in avoiding conflicts.
  • path/to/mount_point: This path indicates where the filesystem is temporarily mounted from which the command will generate its output.

Example Output:

UUID=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000    /mnt/Data    ext4    defaults    0 1

This output means the filesystem with the specified UUID will be mounted to /mnt/Data using ext4 as the file system type.

Use case 3: A usual way to generate an fstab file, requires root permissions


genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab


When installing Linux, especially Arch Linux, after mounting the root filesystem and any other partitions to /mnt, you need to generate an fstab file. This command appends the generated entries to the fstab file, ensuring that all filesystems are mounted correctly during the next boot. It is essential for setting up a persistent installation environment.


  • -U: This flag uses the UUID for each filesystem to create robust and unique entries.
  • /mnt: The base directory where all filesystems are expected to be mounted during installation. This allows the system to capture all necessary partition information.
  • >> /mnt/etc/fstab: The >> operator appends the generated entries to the existing fstab file located at /mnt/etc/fstab.

Example Output:

Appending these entries to /mnt/etc/fstab might generate outputs similar to those mentioned previously with UUIDs or other defaults based on the actual connected storage devices.

Use case 4: Append a volume into an fstab file to mount it automatically


genfstab -U path/to/mount_point | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab


As systems grow or change, new devices or filesystems need to be mounted automatically. This command lets you append entries to your system’s existing fstab file, facilitating easy and automatic mounting of the filesystems during boot, which is essential for automation and system scaling.


  • -U: Directs the command to use UUIDs for generating the information about the mount point.
  • path/to/mount_point: The directory path signifies the currently mounted filesystem from which we wish to create fstab entries.
  • | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab: This allows you to append (-a) the generated output directly to the system’s fstab file at /etc/fstab using tee while maintaining superuser privileges (sudo).

Example Output:

UUID=789e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174321    /mnt/NewVolume    ext4    defaults    0 2

This ensures the filesystem with the specified UUID is automatically mounted in a desired location every time the system starts.


The genfstab command simplifies the process of adding entries to the fstab file by automatically generating the required configurations for mounting drives and partitions. By providing intuitive commands tailored for various needs, such as using labels or UUIDs, it aids users in handling dynamic storage structures efficiently, especially on Linux-based systems like Arch Linux. Understanding and utilizing genfstab ensures consistent filesystem mounting and reduces the likelihood of errors during system setup and operation.

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