How to Use the Command 'Get-History' in PowerShell (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'Get-History' in PowerShell (with examples)

The Get-History command in PowerShell is a versatile tool that allows users to retrieve a list of all the commands that have been executed during the current session. This tool is invaluable for users who need to keep track of their command sequences, verify previous actions, or efficiently locate and reuse particular commands without rewriting them from scratch. Below, we explore several practical use cases for the Get-History command, offering insights and examples explaining its implementation and utility.

Use Case 1: Display the Commands History List with ID




When working in lengthy PowerShell sessions, it is often useful to have a recap of all the commands that have been executed. This comprehensive list is especially helpful for reviewing the steps taken during a session, documenting workflows, or identifying mistakes or patterns. By displaying the command history, users can seamlessly trace back their progress and decision-making, without having to manually log each command.


  • Get-History: This command without any additional arguments retrieves the entire list of commands executed in the current session. It does so by displaying each command alongside a unique ID, making it easier to reference specific entries.

Example Output:

  Id CommandLine
  -- -----------
   1 cd C:\ProjectFiles
   2 Get-ChildItem
   3 dir
   4 Get-Content .\data.txt
   5 New-Item -Path .\newfile.txt -ItemType File
   6 Get-Help Get-History

Use Case 2: Get PowerShell History Item by ID


Get-History -Id 3


For users interested in revisiting or repeating a specific command from their history, retrieving a single entry by its ID can be incredibly useful. This use case is particularly relevant when only one command needs to be revisited or when trying to understand the action taken by a particular command, without the distraction of the full history list.


  • Get-History -Id id: The -Id parameter is used to specify the unique identifier of the command you want to retrieve. In this example, -Id 3 fetches the command with ID 3 from the session’s history.

Example Output:

  Id CommandLine
  -- -----------
   3 dir

Use Case 3: Display the Last N Commands


Get-History -Count 10


When working on repetitive tasks or troubleshooting, users often find themselves repeatedly reviewing a subset of their recent commands. By limiting the history to the last N commands, users can quickly access the most relevant history, minimizing the need to sift through the potentially lengthy output of their entire command history.


  • Get-History -Count 10: The -Count parameter limits the output to the last N commands, where N can be any integer. In this example, setting -Count to 10 displays the last ten commands entered in the session, starting from the most recent.

Example Output:

  Id CommandLine
  -- -----------
   7 Set-Location C:\Users
   8 Get-Process
   9 Stop-Process -Name notepad
  10 Get-Service
  11 Restart-Service Spooler
  12 Get-History
  13 Get-History -Id 3
  14 Get-History -Count 10


The Get-History command in PowerShell is a powerful utility for managing and revisiting command histories. By understanding how to effectively leverage its various parameters, users can enhance their workflow efficiency, streamline troubleshooting, and easily reference past actions with precision. Whether displaying the entire history, accessing specific commands by their IDs, or limiting the output to recently executed entries, Get-History offers versatile functionalities that are essential for proficient PowerShell use.

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