How to use the command 'gh codespace' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gh codespace' (with examples)

The gh codespace command is a powerful and flexible tool integrated into GitHub CLI that allows developers to create, manage, and interact with GitHub Codespaces. Codespaces provide a cloud-based development environment that is efficient, customizable, and accessible from anywhere. This command allows users to create codespaces, connect to them, manage files within them, and much more, all through a CLI interface.

Use case 1: Create a Codespace in GitHub Interactively


gh codespace create

Motivation: Creating a codespace is one of the foundational aspects of using GitHub Codespaces. This command is invaluable for developers who need quick, scalable, and easily accessible development environments. By using this command interactively, developers can select specific repositories and configure their codespaces as needed, directly engaging with the process to tailor environments precisely to project needs.

Explanation: This command gh codespace create starts an interactive prompt that guides the user through the creation of a new codespace. It allows the user to choose which repository, branch, and specific settings they wish to use for their new development environment.

Example Output:

? Repository (user/repo):
? Branch: 
? Location (e.g., us-east):
? Machine type:
Creating codespace...
Codespace created successfully.

Use case 2: List All Available Codespaces


gh codespace list

Motivation: Listing all available codespaces helps developers manage their existing development environments effectively. It’s crucial to have a clear overview when multiple projects or different stages of a project are being worked on across several codespaces. This ensures that resources are managed efficiently and allows quick access to the desired codespace.

Explanation: The gh codespace list command outputs a list of all codespaces associated with your GitHub account. It provides details such as the codespace name, repository it was created from, branch, and its current status.

Example Output:

NAME                  REPOSITORY          BRANCH     STATE
my-first-codespace    user/repo           main       Running
project-codespace     user/another-repo   develop    Stopped

Use case 3: Connect to a Codespace via SSH Interactively


gh codespace ssh

Motivation: Connecting to a codespace via SSH is essential for developers who prefer or require command-line access. This can be particularly important for tasks that are more efficiently performed through terminal commands or when using local development setups that need SSH access to a remote machine.

Explanation: This command initiates an interactive prompt to select which codespace to connect to. Once selected, it establishes an SSH connection, providing full terminal access to the codespace.

Example Output:

? Select codespace to SSH into: [my-first-codespace]
Connecting to SSH...
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-1022-azure x86_64)

Use case 4: Transfer a Specific File to a Codespace Interactively


gh codespace cp path/to/source_file remote:path/to/remote_file

Motivation: Transferring files to a codespace is essential for developers who need to ensure that their local files are integrated into the cloud-based development environment. This is particularly useful for deploying configuration files, libraries, or datasets that are pivotal to the ongoing development process.

Explanation: The command gh codespace cp is followed by two arguments: path/to/source_file which specifies the local file path, and remote:path/to/remote_file, which defines the destination path in the codespace. The interactive nature allows developers to clearly specify source and destination paths, ensuring precise file transfer.

Example Output:

? Select codespace to copy file to: [my-first-codespace]
Transferring file...
File `source_file` has been successfully copied to `remote/path/to/remote_file`.

Use case 5: List the Ports of a Codespace Interactively


gh codespace ports

Motivation: Listing ports is crucial for development workflows that involve services listening on specific ports, such as web applications or APIs. Developers need to know which ports are in use and their visibility settings to configure services correctly or expose them to the internet.

Explanation: This command shows the ports currently in use by a given codespace, their status (e.g., open or closed), and whether they are publicly accessible or restricted. This information allows developers to efficiently manage and troubleshoot network settings within the development environment.

Example Output:

3000    Open     Public
9229    Closed   Private

Use case 6: Display the Logs from a Codespace Interactively


gh codespace logs

Motivation: Accessing the logs of a codespace helps diagnose any issues that may arise during its use. Logging information is invaluable for troubleshooting, allowing developers to backtrace errors and understand system behaviors.

Explanation: The command gh codespace logs is used without further arguments to start an interactive session where the user selects a codespace to view its logs. It shows system logs and application-specific logs, helping developers to identify malfunctioning processes or configuration issues quickly.

Example Output:

? Select codespace to view logs: [my-first-codespace]
Fetching logs...
[INFO] Codespace initialized.
[ERROR] Failed to install dependencies.

Use case 7: Delete a Codespace Interactively


gh codespace delete

Motivation: Deleting unused or obsolete codespaces is important for maintaining organization and optimizing resource usage. Especially with limited computing resources or subscription-based models, clearing out unnecessary environments ensures performance and cost efficiency.

Explanation: The command gh codespace delete activates an interactive session, asking which codespace should be removed. Confirmations ensure that essential data is not accidentally deleted.

Example Output:

? Select codespace to delete: [project-codespace]
Are you sure you want to delete this codespace? (y/n) y
Deleting codespace...
Codespace deleted successfully.

Use case 8: Display Help for a Subcommand


gh codespace code|cp|create|delete|edit|... --help

Motivation: Accessing help for subcommands is vital for anyone not yet fully familiar with the breadth of functionalities available within gh codespace. This ensures that users can quickly learn the syntax and options available for each sub-command, promoting user autonomy and effective tool use.

Explanation: The help command, which uses the flag --help, offers detailed documentation and guidance on specific subcommands. Substituting code|cp|create|delete|edit|... with the desired action provides relevant information, helping users understand how to utilize each function properly.

Example Output:

Usage:  gh codespace create [flags]
  -r, --repo     Repository for which the codespace should be created
  -b, --branch   Branch to checkout


The gh codespace command is an invaluable asset within the GitHub CLI toolkit for managing cloud-based development environments. Its array of functionalities ensures that developers can efficiently create, configure, interact with, and maintain their codespaces, adapting them precisely to their workflow requirements. Whether listing, connecting, transferring files, or troubleshooting, gh codespace offers a seamless and powerful development experience.

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