How to use the command 'gh codespace' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gh codespace' (with examples)

The gh codespace command is a powerful tool that allows you to connect to and manage your codespaces in GitHub. It provides a wide range of functionality, from creating and listing codespaces to transferring files and displaying logs. This article will walk you through each of these use cases with examples to help you understand how to use the command effectively.

Use case 1: Create a codespace in GitHub interactively


gh codespace create

Motivation: Creating a codespace interactively allows you to set up a development environment quickly without having to configure everything manually. By using this command, you can save time and focus on writing code instead of dealing with the initial setup.

Explanation: The gh codespace create command is used to create a codespace in GitHub interactively. It will prompt you for the necessary information, such as the repository, branch, and instance type. Once you provide the required details, the command will create a codespace for you.

Example output:

? Repository: my-repo
? Branch: main
? Instance type: standard-linux
Creating codespace... done
Codespace created: my-repo

Use case 2: List all available codespaces


gh codespace list

Motivation: Listing all available codespaces can be useful when you want to see the codespaces you have access to or need to switch between them. By using this command, you can easily get an overview of your existing codespaces.

Explanation: The gh codespace list command is used to list all available codespaces. It will display information about each codespace, including the repository, branch, status, and URL.

Example output:

repository    branch    status    URL
------------  --------  --------  --------------------------------------
my-repo       main      running
another-repo  dev       stopped

Use case 3: Connect to a codespace via SSH interactively


gh codespace ssh

Motivation: Connecting to a codespace via SSH allows you to access the codespace’s terminal remotely. This can be useful when you need to run commands or perform actions directly within the codespace. By using this command, you can easily establish an SSH connection to your codespace.

Explanation: The gh codespace ssh command is used to connect to a codespace via SSH interactively. It will establish an SSH connection to the codespace’s terminal, allowing you to interact with it as if you were connected locally.

Example output:

Connected to codespace: my-repo (main)
Welcome to codespace!

Use case 4: Transfer a specific file to a codespace interactively


gh codespace cp path/to/source_file remote:path/to/remote_file

Motivation: Transferring files to a codespace can be useful when you need to work with specific files within the codespace environment. By using this command, you can easily copy files from your local machine to the codespace.

Explanation: The gh codespace cp command is used to transfer a specific file to a codespace interactively. You need to provide the path to the source file on your local machine and the remote path where you want to copy the file within the codespace. The command will copy the file to the specified location.

Example output:

Copying file path/to/source_file to remote:path/to/remote_file... done

Use case 5: List the ports of a codespace interactively


gh codespace ports

Motivation: Listing the ports of a codespace can be useful when you need to access services running within the codespace. By using this command, you can easily see which ports are available for communication.

Explanation: The gh codespace ports command is used to list the ports of a codespace interactively. It will display information about each port, including the service name, local port, and URL.

Example output:

service       port       URL
------------  ---------  --------------------------------------
web-server    8080       http://localhost:8080
api-server    5000       http://localhost:5000

Use case 6: Display the logs from a codespace interactively


gh codespace logs

Motivation: Displaying the logs from a codespace can be useful when you want to troubleshoot issues or monitor the activity within the codespace. By using this command, you can easily see the logs generated by the codespace.

Explanation: The gh codespace logs command is used to display the logs from a codespace interactively. It will show the logs in real-time, allowing you to see the output and debug any issues that arise.

Example output:

[2022-01-01T12:00:00Z] INFO: Application started
[2022-01-01T12:01:00Z] ERROR: Invalid input detected
[2022-01-01T12:02:00Z] INFO: Database connection established

Use case 7: Delete a codespace interactively


gh codespace delete

Motivation: Deleting a codespace can be useful when you no longer need the development environment or want to free up resources. By using this command, you can easily delete a codespace and remove it from your GitHub account.

Explanation: The gh codespace delete command is used to delete a codespace interactively. It will prompt you to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Once confirmed, the command will delete the codespace.

Example output:

Are you sure you want to delete the codespace: my-repo? (y/N) y
Deleting codespace... done
Codespace deleted: my-repo

Use case 8: Display help for a subcommand


gh codespace code --help

Motivation: Displaying help for a subcommand can be useful when you need more information on how to use a specific feature of the gh codespace command. By using this command, you can easily access the documentation and get detailed instructions for a particular subcommand.

Explanation: The gh codespace code --help command is used to display help for a specific subcommand, in this case, the code subcommand. It will provide detailed information on how to use the subcommand, including the available options and examples.

Example output:

Usage: gh codespace code [flags]

  code, co

  gh codespace code --branch my-branch
  gh codespace code --diff origin/master my-file.txt

  -b, --branch string   Branch to view (default "main")
  -d, --diff string       Diff against branch or SHA (default "origin/main")
  -h, --help            Show help for command

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for this command


The gh codespace command provides a wide range of functionality for connecting to and managing your codespaces in GitHub. By following the examples provided for each use case, you can leverage the power of this command to enhance your development workflow. Whether you need to create, list, connect, transfer, or delete codespaces, the gh codespace command has you covered.

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