How to use the command `gh formatting` (with examples)

How to use the command `gh formatting` (with examples)

The gh formatting command is used to display help about formatting JSON output from the gh GitHub CLI command using the jq tool. jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.

Use case 1: Display help about formatting JSON output from gh using jq


gh formatting

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to understand the different formatting options available for the JSON data exported from the gh command. This would allow users to customize the output according to their needs and preferences.

Explanation: The gh formatting command is used without any arguments to display the help message regarding formatting options for JSON data exported from gh. It provides information on how to use jq to format and filter JSON output.

Example output:

Formatting options for JSON data exported from gh GitHub CLI command.

Usage example:

  gh <command> | jq .field.subfield

available fields

  ".authorLogin": "The login username of the pull request or the issue.",
  ".reviewCommentsDisabled": "is pull request review comments disabled or not.(true/false)",
  ".repository.ownerLogin": "This provides you the login username for the repository.",


The gh formatting command is a useful tool for understanding and utilizing formatting options for JSON data exported from the gh command. It allows users to customize the output and extract specific data using the jq tool. By exploring the available fields and options, users can effectively manipulate and analyze JSON output from gh.

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