How to use the command gh gist (with examples)

How to use the command gh gist (with examples)

The gh gist command allows users to work with GitHub Gists, a way to share and collaborate on code snippets, notes, and more. This command provides various functionalities to create, edit, and view Gists.

Use case 1: Create a new Gist from a space-separated list of files


gh gist create path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: Creating a new Gist is useful when you want to share code or files with others or keep them for reference. By providing a space-separated list of files, you can easily create a Gist containing multiple files.


  • gh gist create: This command is used to create a new Gist.
  • path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...: These are the paths to the files you want to include in the Gist. Provide the paths of the files you want to share, separated by spaces.

Example output:

✓ Created gist with 2 files:

Use case 2: Create a new Gist with a specific description


gh gist create path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ... --desc "description"

Motivation: Adding a specific description to a Gist provides more context and helps others understand the purpose or content of the Gist. It is useful when you want to provide additional information about the code or files you are sharing.


  • --desc "description": This flag is used to specify the description for the Gist. Replace “description” with the actual description you want to provide.

Example output:

✓ Created gist with 2 files:

Use case 3: Edit a Gist


gh gist edit id|url

Motivation: Editing a Gist allows you to update the code or files you have previously shared. This is useful when you want to make changes or improvements to the existing content without creating a new Gist.


  • gh gist edit: This command is used to edit a Gist.
  • id|url: Replace this with either the ID or URL of the Gist you want to edit.

Example output:

✓ Edited gist:

Use case 4: List up to 42 Gists owned by the currently logged in user


gh gist list --limit 42

Motivation: Listing Gists provides an overview of the Gists you have created or are associated with. The ability to set a limit allows you to control the number of Gists displayed, making it easier to manage and find specific Gists.


  • gh gist list: This command is used to list Gists.
  • --limit 42: This flag limits the number of Gists displayed to 42. Replace 42 with the desired limit.

Example output:

3 Gists found:
- gist1:
- gist2:
- gist3:

Use case 5: View a Gist in the default browser without rendering Markdown


gh gist view id|url --web --raw

Motivation: Viewing a Gist in the default browser is helpful when you want to see the contents of a Gist with preserved formatting and styling. The ability to view the raw version allows you to access the code or files directly without any rendering.


  • gh gist view: This command is used to view a Gist.
  • id|url: Replace this with either the ID or URL of the Gist you want to view.
  • --web: This flag opens the Gist in the default web browser.
  • --raw: This flag displays the raw version of the Gist without rendering Markdown.

Example output:

Gist contents displayed in the default web browser, without rendering Markdown.


The gh gist command provides a straightforward way to work with GitHub Gists. Whether you want to create, edit, or view Gists, this command offers several useful features to enhance your Gist-related workflows. By utilizing the different use cases discussed, you can effectively manage and share code snippets, notes, and more using GitHub Gists.

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