How to use the command 'gh mintty' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gh mintty' (with examples)

The gh mintty command in the GitHub CLI provides integration support for MinTTY, which is the default terminal emulator used for Git in Windows environments. Specifically, gh mintty allows users to access help resources on how to effectively use and troubleshoot the GitHub CLI within the MinTTY terminal. This is particularly useful as MinTTY operates slightly differently from other terminal emulators, and having dedicated support for it enhances user experience and efficiency when using GitHub CLI commands in a Windows environment.

Use case: Display help about using gh with MinTTY


gh mintty


When using the GitHub CLI (gh) in environments that utilize MinTTY, such as Git for Windows or environments configured with Cygwin, users might encounter unique terminal behavior or integration issues compared to other terminal emulators. It is instrumental for users, especially those new to this setup, to understand how to operate seamlessly within this environment. This command is designed to provide comprehensive help on how to use gh commands with MinTTY effectively, making the learning curve for new users less steep.


The command gh mintty is used to access help resources directly related to the integration of the GitHub CLI with MinTTY terminal sessions. While native terminals on different operating systems have different behaviors, MinTTY, in particular, has unique features and idiosyncrasies. This command provides insights into how these aspects can be managed or optimized when working with GitHub CLI. Importantly, the command doesn’t include additional arguments; it is a straightforward invocation that outputs helpful information which can be crucial for debugging or enhancing the experience in a MinTTY session.

Example Output:

When executed, gh mintty might output a text similar to the following:

GitHub CLI - MinTTY Integration Help

The GitHub CLI has detected that you are running in a MinTTY terminal session.
To ensure correct behavior of CLI commands, please consider:
- Using the `winpty` utility when executing interactive commands.
- Checking terminal emulator settings related to input and output.
- Referring to our online documentation at <> for more detailed examples and troubleshooting tips.

For further assistance, contact our support team or visit our discussion forums.

This output is illustrative and informative, providing steps or recommendations that can help users get the most out of their MinTTY environment when working with the GitHub CLI. It also suggests visiting the online documentation for extended explanations and solutions.


The gh mintty command serves as a vital resource for users working with the GitHub CLI in MinTTY terminals. By providing targeted help and instructions, it ensures that even users with limited experience in such environments can smoothly execute CLI commands. The provision of this command reflects the broader goal of enhancing developer productivity by minimizing integration hassles across different platforms, ultimately allowing users to focus on their development work without being bogged down by tool-specific challenges.

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