How to use the command 'gh skyline' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gh skyline' (with examples)

The gh skyline command is a tool designed to transform your GitHub contribution history into a visually compelling 3D model. By rendering this history as a 3D skyline, users can have a tangible or visual representation of their contributions over the year. The output is typically a .stl file, which can be used for 3D printing or visual purposes.

Generate a skyline STL file for the current year and authenticated user


gh skyline


If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to visualize your current year’s GitHub contributions without fussing over specific user details or years, this command is perfect. It’s a straightforward method to get a snapshot of your contributions quickly.


  • The command leverages your authenticated GitHub account, thus automatically fetching your contribution history for the current year. It abstracts away the need for specifying parameters, making it ideal for quick use.

Example output:

After running this command, you will find a file named {your-username}-{current-year}-github-skyline.stl in your current directory, ready for further use, be it for viewing or 3D printing.

Generate a skyline for a specific user and year


gh skyline --user username --year year


There might be times when users need to create skylines for previous years or have multiple GitHub accounts. This command allows users to specify the exact account and year they are interested in, providing flexibility and precision.


  • --user username: Specifies the GitHub username for which the skyline is to be generated. This is particularly useful if you manage multiple accounts or need the skyline for a friend or colleague.
  • --year year: Determines the specific year for the contribution history to be visualized. Users can use this to look back at specific years rather than just focusing on the current year.

Example output:

Executing this command results in an STL file named {provided-username}-{specified-year}-github-skyline.stl being created, enabling you to visualize contribution patterns from previous periods or for different users.

Generate a skyline for a range of years


gh skyline --user username --year first_year-last_year


Sometimes, it’s not enough to look at a single year of contributions. By viewing a range of years, you can better assess progress, spot trends, and gain a holistic view of activity over time, making it a valuable tool for long-term analysis.


  • --user username: The GitHub account for which the skyline will be generated.
  • --year first_year-last_year: Defines the range of years you’re interested in. This captures the entirety of contributions between these two years inclusively.

Example output:

After execution, a compiled skyline for the period specified is created, displaying an evolving 3D landscape of contributions, which can be used for comprehensive analysis of activity trends.

Generate a full skyline (from the user’s join year to the current year)


gh skyline --user username --full


For users who wish to see a complete history of their GitHub contributions from the moment they joined to the present, this command is invaluable. It’s a great way to see how one’s contribution habits have evolved over time.


  • --user username: Specifies for which user the full history is generated from the start of their GitHub journey.
  • --full: This flag directs the tool to fetch all contribution data beginning from the user’s initial GitHub participation year until now.

Example output:

This yields a complete .stl file that visualizes the user’s contribution growth and intensity from the start of their GitHub timeline up to the current year, reflecting dedication and evolution.

Enable debug logging


gh skyline --debug


For users experiencing issues or curious about the internal workings of the skyline generation process, enabling debug logging is crucial. It provides insights into what the command is doing, which can help identify any errors or improve understanding.


  • --debug: Activates a more verbose mode of execution, meaning that as the command runs, it outputs detailed logs about its processes. This can be essential for troubleshooting or learning purposes.

Example output:

Running this command outputs detailed logging information to the console, offering a step-by-step look at the processes and potential areas where errors might occur, greatly aiding in debugging efforts.

Generate a skyline and specify the output file path


gh skyline --output path/to/output_file.stl


For better organization or when automating tasks with specific file paths, it’s important to designate where the output should be saved. This command enables precise control over file storage locations, facilitating automated workflows or shared environments.


  • --output path/to/output_file.stl: Directs the command to save the generated STL file at a specified directory or path, thereby ensuring integration with larger systems or just better personal file organization.

Example output:

Upon execution, the skyline is saved to the exact path specified, allowing the user to easily integrate this output into other applications or systems without needing additional file management steps.

Open the GitHub profile for a specific user


gh skyline --user username --web


This is ideal for those who wish to quickly access a user’s GitHub profile in a web browser. Whether for personal review or when discussing contributions with a team, this option streamlines access to profile information directly from the command line.


  • --user username: Indicates which user’s GitHub profile should be accessed.
  • --web: Triggers the opening of the web browser to navigate to the stated user’s GitHub profile, enhancing accessibility.

Example output:

Executing this command promptly opens a browser window/tab directed at the specified username’s public GitHub profile, providing a quick way to access user details and contributions.

Display help


gh skyline --help


For users unfamiliar with the command or needing a refresher on available options, the help flag is an essential resource. It provides concise yet comprehensive guidance on how to effectively utilize the tool.


  • --help: This argument pulls up an informative guide on the command’s functions and parameters, meaning users can quickly understand all aspects of the tool without external resources.

Example output:

The result is a detailed help message appearing in the console, outlining each possible command flag and a brief description of its purpose, enhancing user understanding of the capabilities of gh skyline.


The gh skyline command offers a versatile set of options for generating compelling 3D models of GitHub contribution histories. Whether you need a snapshot of the current year, a deep dive into past performance, or simply a user-friendly way to open profiles, it delivers powerful tools in an accessible format. Each of these use cases provides flexibility and insight, enabling users to visualize and understand their contribution patterns more effectively.

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