How to use the command giftopnm (with examples)

How to use the command giftopnm (with examples)

The giftopnm command is a useful tool for converting GIF files into PNM format. PNM stands for Portable Any Map format and is a commonly used image format. The giftopnm command allows you to convert a GIF image to a PNM image pixel-for-pixel, preserving the visual details of the original image. It also provides a way to display the version of the giftopnm command.

Use case 1: Convert a GIF image to a Netpbm image pixel-for-pixel


giftopnm path/to/input.gif > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert a GIF image to a PNM image. This can be useful if you need to work with the image in a format that supports more advanced editing features or if you want to convert the image into a format that is widely supported.

Explanation: The “giftopnm” command is used to convert a GIF image to a PNM image. The “path/to/input.gif” argument is the path to the GIF image file that you want to convert. The “>” symbol is used to redirect the output of the command to a file. The “path/to/output.pnm” argument is the path where you want to save the converted PNM image file.

Example output: The output of the command will be the converted PNM image file saved at the specified path.

Use case 2: Display version


giftopnm -version

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to check the version of the giftopnm command. This can be useful to ensure that you are using the latest version of the command or to troubleshoot any issues that you may be experiencing.

Explanation: The “-version” argument is used to display the version of the giftopnm command.

Example output: The output of the command will be the version number of the giftopnm command.


The giftopnm command provides a convenient and efficient way to convert GIF images to PNM images. Whether you need to convert an image for editing purposes or for wider compatibility, giftopnm is a versatile tool. Additionally, the ability to display the version of the command can be helpful for troubleshooting and ensuring that you are using the latest version.

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