How to Use the GIMP Command Line Interface (with examples)

How to Use the GIMP Command Line Interface (with examples)

1: Starting GIMP



Starting GIMP using the gimp command opens the program’s graphical user interface (GUI), allowing users to create and edit images.


By simply running the gimp command, GIMP launches with its default settings and displays the main application window.

Example Output:

Upon executing the gimp command, the GIMP GUI will open, providing the user with access to all the program’s features and functionality.

2: Opening Specific Files

gimp path/to/image1 path/to/image2


With GIMP’s command line interface, users can directly open specific image files for editing without the need for navigating through the program’s menus.


To open specific image files, simply provide the file paths as arguments after the gimp command. GIMP will launch and load the given files for editing.

Example Output:

Suppose you want to open two images named image1.png and image2.jpg. By running the command gimp path/to/image1.png path/to/image2.jpg, GIMP will open with both images loaded in separate tabs.

3: Opening Specific Files in a New Window

gimp --new-instance path/to/image1 path/to/image2


Sometimes you may need to open multiple instances of GIMP simultaneously, especially when working with different images or projects side by side.


By adding the --new-instance option before the file paths, GIMP will open each specified file in a new window instead of loading them as tabs in the currently running instance.

Example Output:

Let’s say you have two image files, image1.png and image2.jpg. Running the command gimp --new-instance path/to/image1.png path/to/image2.jpg will open two separate GIMP windows, each displaying one of the specified images.

4: Starting Without a Splash Screen

gimp --no-splash


The splash screen is the initial window that appears during GIMP startup, which may be unnecessary if you frequently use the program or want to reduce loading time.


By adding the --no-splash option, GIMP will start without displaying the splash screen, allowing for a quicker launch.

Example Output:

When executing the command gimp --no-splash, GIMP will immediately open its main window without showing any splash screen or loading screen.

5: Printing Errors and Warnings to the Console

gimp --console-messages


When encountering errors or warnings within GIMP, displaying them in the console can be useful for troubleshooting or obtaining more detailed information about the issues.


By including the --console-messages option, GIMP will print any errors, warnings, or relevant messages directly to the console instead of displaying them in dialog boxes.

Example Output:

When running the command gimp --console-messages and encountering an error, the error message will be printed in the console rather than appearing as a popup dialog box.

6: Enabling Debugging Signal Handlers

gimp --debug-handlers


Enabling debugging signal handlers allows developers or advanced users to capture and analyze signals, such as crashes or exceptions, that occur within GIMP.


By adding the --debug-handlers option, GIMP enables debugging signal handlers, which helps in diagnosing and resolving issues related to signal events.

Example Output:

When executing the command gimp --debug-handlers and encountering a signal event, such as a segmentation fault, GIMP will provide additional debugging information, aiding in troubleshooting and identifying potential issues.

Note: For comprehensive details and further options, refer to the official GIMP Command Line documentation .

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