How to use the command 'gist' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gist' (with examples)

The command ‘gist’ is a command-line tool that allows you to upload code to the website . It provides an easy way to share code snippets and files with others. This article will illustrate various use cases of the ‘gist’ command and provide examples for each use case.

Use case 1: Log in to gist on this computer


gist --login

Motivation: The ‘gist’ command requires authentication in order to upload gists. By running this command, you will be prompted to log in to your GitHub account associated with Gist on your current computer.

Explanation: The ‘–login’ argument tells the ‘gist’ command to prompt the user to log in to their GitHub account. This is necessary to authenticate the user before they can perform any operations related to gists.

Example output:

GitHub username: jane_doe
Password for jane_doe: **********

Use case 2: Create a gist from any number of text files


gist file.txt file2.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a gist from one or more text files. It allows you to quickly share the content of these files with others.

Explanation: The ‘gist’ command followed by the file names creates a gist from the specified text files. Each file will be treated as a separate file within the gist.

Example output:

Gist created:

Use case 3: Create a private gist with a description


gist --private --description "A meaningful description" file.txt

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to create a private gist to share code with a select group of people. This use case allows you to create a private gist with a description to provide more context about the content of the gist.

Explanation: The ‘–private’ argument tells the ‘gist’ command to create a private gist. The ‘–description’ argument followed by the description in quotes allows you to provide a meaningful description for the gist. The ‘file.txt’ represents the file from which the gist will be created.

Example output:

Private gist created:

Use case 4: Read contents from stdin and create a gist from it


echo "hello world" | gist

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to create a gist from the content provided via standard input. It allows you to quickly create a gist without creating a file.

Explanation: In this example, the content “hello world” is piped into the ‘gist’ command using the ‘|’ operator. The ‘gist’ command reads the content from standard input and creates a gist from it.

Example output:

Gist created:

Use case 5: List your public and private gists


gist --list

Motivation: This use case allows you to view a list of all your public and private gists. It provides an overview of the gists you have created.

Explanation: The ‘–list’ argument tells the ‘gist’ command to list all the gists associated with the authenticated user. It includes both public and private gists.

Example output:

Public Gists:

- Gist 1:
- Gist 2:

Private Gists:

- Gist 3:

Use case 6: List all public gists for any user


gist --list username

Motivation: This use case allows you to view a list of all the public gists for a specific user. It provides an overview of the gists created by that user.

Explanation: The ‘–list’ argument followed by the username tells the ‘gist’ command to list all the public gists associated with the specified username. This command does not require authentication.

Example output:

Public Gists for username:

- Gist 1:
- Gist 2:

Use case 7: Update a gist using the ID from URL


gist --update GIST_ID file.txt

Motivation: This use case allows you to update the content of an existing gist. It is useful when you want to make changes to a gist after it has been created.

Explanation: The ‘–update’ argument followed by the GIST_ID and the file name allows you to update the specified gist with new content from the file. The GIST_ID represents the unique identifier of the gist, which can be obtained from its URL.

Example output:

Gist updated:


The ‘gist’ command is a versatile tool that allows you to easily create, update, and view gists on GitHub. It provides a convenient way to share code snippets and files with others. By understanding the various use cases and examples provided in this article, you can make the most out of this command and effectively utilize its features.

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