How to use the command 'git add' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git add' (with examples)

The ‘git add’ command is used to add changes made to files to the Git index, which is also known as the staging area. This command prepares the files for the next commit, allowing you to include specific changes you want to commit while excluding others.

Use case 1: Add a file to the index


git add path/to/file

Motivation: You can use this command when you want to stage a specific file for the next commit. It is helpful when you have made changes to a single file and want to commit only those changes.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • path/to/file is the path to the file you want to add to the index.

Example output:

$ git add path/to/file

Use case 2: Add all files (tracked and untracked)


git add -A

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to stage all changes made to both tracked and untracked files. It ensures that all the modifications are included in the next commit.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -A is the option used to add all changes.

Example output:

$ git add -A

Use case 3: Only add already tracked files


git add -u

Motivation: You can use this command in scenarios where you want to stage only the changes made to files that are already being tracked by Git. It ignores any untracked files.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -u is the option used to add only tracked files.

Example output:

$ git add -u

Use case 4: Also add ignored files


git add -f

Motivation: When you have specific files that are ignored by Git, but you still want to include their changes in the next commit, you can use this command. It forcefully adds the ignored files to the index.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -f is the option used to forcibly add ignored files.

Example output:

$ git add -f

Use case 5: Interactively stage parts of files


git add -p

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to selectively stage parts of files instead of adding the whole file. It allows you to review and choose specific changes to include in the next commit.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -p is the option used to interactively stage parts of files.

Example output:

$ git add -p

Use case 6: Interactively stage parts of a given file


git add -p path/to/file

Motivation: When you want to interactively stage specific parts of a particular file, you can use this command. It will present you with a patch-like interface, allowing you to review and choose which changes to include.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -p is the option used to interactively stage parts of files.
  • path/to/file is the path to the file you want to interactively stage.

Example output:

$ git add -p path/to/file

Use case 7: Interactively stage a file


git add -i

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to interactively stage changes from multiple files. It presents you with a menu where you can choose which files to stage and which changes to include in the next commit.


  • git add is the command itself.
  • -i is the option used to interactively stage changes.

Example output:

$ git add -i


The ‘git add’ command is a versatile tool for staging changes made to files in Git. It allows you to include specific changes in the next commit while excluding others. By understanding the various use cases and options, you can effectively manage your staging area and create meaningful commits.

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