How to use the command 'git alias' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git alias' (with examples)

The git alias command is a part of the git-extras package and allows you to create shortcuts for Git commands. It provides a convenient way to save time by avoiding repetitive typing of long or complex Git commands.

Use case 1: List all aliases


git alias


Listing all aliases is helpful when you want to see a complete list of shortcuts you have created. It can be useful for reference and to check if you have created aliases for specific Git commands.


The git alias command without any arguments will list all the aliases that have been created.

Example output:

Use case 2: Create a new alias


git alias "name" "command"


Creating a new alias allows you to define a custom shortcut for a Git command. This can be useful when you frequently use a particular Git command that has a long or complex syntax.


The git alias command followed by the alias name and the desired Git command will create a new shortcut. The alias name should be enclosed in double quotes. The command can include any valid Git command or combination of commands.


git alias pr "pull --rebase"

This creates a new alias pr that is equivalent to git pull --rebase.

Use case 3: Search for an existing alias


git alias ^name


Searching for an existing alias can be useful when you have a large number of aliases and you want to find a specific one quickly. It helps when you have forgotten the full name or are not sure about the complete spelling of the alias.


The git alias command followed by ^ and the partial name of the alias allows you to search for aliases that match the given pattern. The partial name can be the beginning characters of the alias.


git alias ^br

This command will search for aliases starting with br and return the matching aliases, such as branch in the previous example.


The git alias command is a powerful tool for creating and managing shortcuts for Git commands. It allows you to save time and increase your productivity by avoiding repetitive typing of long or complex Git commands. Whether you want to list all aliases, create a new alias, or search for an existing alias, the git alias command has got you covered.

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