How to use the command git blame-someone-else (with examples)

How to use the command git blame-someone-else (with examples)

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to track and manage their source code changes. The git blame-someone-else command is a handy tool that allows developers to change the committer and author of a commit. This can be useful in situations where you want to attribute your commit to someone else, perhaps to keep your reputation intact or for documentation purposes.

Use case 1: Change the committer and author of a commit


git blame-someone-else "author <>" commit

Motivation: Sometimes, developers make mistakes or write bad code that they don’t want to take credit for. In such cases, using git blame-someone-else can help shift the blame to someone else. This can be useful in maintaining a positive reputation or when sharing code with others for documentation purposes.


  • "author <>": This argument allows you to specify the new author for the commit. Replace with the email address of the person you want to blame.
  • commit: This argument is used to specify the commit for which you want to change the committer and author.

Example output:

Committer and author updated successfully for commit 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567


The git blame-someone-else command is a powerful tool in the Git toolkit that allows developers to shift blame for a commit to someone else. This can be useful in maintaining a positive reputation or when sharing code with others for documentation purposes. However, it is important to use this tool responsibly and only when necessary.

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