How to use the command "git bug" (with examples)

How to use the command "git bug" (with examples)

The command “git bug” is a distributed bug tracker that utilizes git’s internal storage. It allows you to submit and track bugs using the same git remote you use for collaboration with others. This command is useful for developers who want to track and manage bug reports within their git workflow.

Use case 1: Create a new identity


git bug user create


Creating a new identity allows you to associate your bug reports with your personal information. This can be helpful when collaborating with others, as it provides clear attribution for each bug report.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • user create is a subcommand that creates a new identity for bug reports.

Example Output:

Successfully created new identity.
Name: John Doe

Use case 2: Create a new bug


git bug add


Creating a new bug allows you to document and track issues that you encounter during development. By adding bugs to the bug tracker, you can ensure that they are properly recorded and addressed.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • add is a subcommand that allows you to create a new bug report.

Example Output:

Enter bug title: Fix login page layout
Enter bug description: The login page is not responsive on mobile devices.
Successfully created new bug.
Bug ID: 1234

Use case 3: Push a bug to a remote


git bug push


Pushing a bug to a remote allows you to share your bug report with others who have access to the same git repository. This enables collaboration and ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date bug information.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • push is a subcommand that pushes your local bug reports to a remote repository.

Example Output:

Pushing bug 1234 to remote repository...
Bug successfully pushed to remote.

Use case 4: Pull updates for bugs


git bug pull


Pulling updates for bugs allows you to retrieve the latest bug reports from the remote repository. This ensures that you have the most recent information and can stay up-to-date with any changes or fixes that have been made.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • pull is a subcommand that retrieves updates for bug reports from the remote repository.

Example Output:

Pulling updates for bugs...
Successfully updated local bug reports.

Use case 5: List existing bugs


git bug ls


Listing existing bugs allows you to view all the bugs that have been reported in your local repository. This provides an overview of the current bug status and allows you to prioritize and plan bug fixes.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • ls is a subcommand that lists all the existing bug reports in your local repository.

Example Output:

Bug ID  Title                  Status
1234    Fix login page layout  Open
5678    Update API endpoint    Closed
9012    Refactor code          Open

Use case 6: Filter and sort bugs using a query


git bug ls "status:open sort:edit"


Filtering and sorting bugs allows you to quickly find specific bugs based on specific criteria, such as their status or edit history. This helps to streamline bug management and makes it easier to focus on relevant bugs.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • ls is a subcommand that lists the bug reports in your local repository.
  • "status:open sort:edit" is a query that filters the bug reports by their status (open) and sorts them based on their edit history.

Example Output:

Bug ID  Title                  Status
1234    Fix login page layout  Open
9012    Refactor code          Open

Use case 7: Search for bugs by text content


git bug ls "search_query" baz


Searching for bugs based on their text content allows you to find specific bugs that contain certain keywords or phrases. This is useful when you are looking for bugs related to a specific feature or code section.


  • git bug is the command to interact with the git bug tool.
  • ls is a subcommand that lists the bug reports in your local repository.
  • "search_query" is the query used to search for bugs based on their text content.
  • baz is an optional argument that can be used to filter the search to specific bug attributes (e.g., title, description, etc.).

Example Output:

Bug ID  Title                  Status
1234    Fix login page layout  Open
5678    Update API endpoint    Open


The “git bug” command is a powerful tool for managing and tracking bugs within a git workflow. With its various subcommands, you can create, push, pull, list, filter, sort, and search for bugs, providing a comprehensive bug tracking solution. By integrating bug tracking into your git repository, you can streamline bug management and improve collaboration with your team.

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