How to use the command 'git check-ignore' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git check-ignore' (with examples)

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase. The git check-ignore command is a helpful tool for analyzing and debugging Git ignore/exclude (".gitignore") files. It allows you to check whether a file or directory is ignored based on the rules defined in the .gitignore file. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the git check-ignore command.

Use case 1: Check whether a file or directory is ignored


git check-ignore path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to verify whether a specific file or directory is being ignored by Git. By checking if a file or directory is ignored, you can ensure that sensitive or generated files are not accidentally added to the repository.

Explanation: The git check-ignore command is followed by the path to the file or directory you want to check. The command will analyze the .gitignore rules and determine if the specified file or directory is ignored.

Example output:


In the example output, .gitignore:3 specifies that the file or directory is ignored based on the rules defined in the .gitignore file.

Use case 2: Check whether multiple files or directories are ignored


git check-ignore path/to/file path/to/directory

Motivation: In scenarios where you need to check multiple files or directories, this use case proves handy. It helps you quickly validate whether these items are being ignored by Git.

Explanation: The git check-ignore command can accept multiple paths as arguments. Simply specify the paths of the files or directories you want to check, separated by spaces.

Example output:


The example output shows that both “path/to/file” and “path/to/directory” are ignored according to the corresponding rules defined in the .gitignore file.

Use case 3: Use pathnames from stdin


git check-ignore --stdin < path/to/file_list

Motivation: This use case becomes relevant when you have a list of file paths stored in a file, and you want to check their ignored status. By utilizing the --stdin flag, you can process these paths directly from the standard input.

Explanation: The git check-ignore --stdin command reads the list of file paths from the standard input instead of providing them as individual arguments. The file paths should be separated by newlines.

Example output:


Here, each file path from the path/to/file_list is checked against the .gitignore rules, and the output displays the matching results.

Use case 4: Do not check the index


git check-ignore --no-index path/to/files_or_directories

Motivation: If you encounter a situation where you want to understand why certain paths are being tracked instead of being ignored, this use case is helpful. By excluding the index from the check, you can troubleshoot the reasons behind the tracking behavior.

Explanation: The git check-ignore --no-index command instructs Git to skip the index while performing the check. The index is the staging area where changes are prepared before committing. By excluding the index, you can determine why certain files or directories are being tracked (not ignored).

Example output:


The output shows that the specified path is being tracked because it does not match any rules in the .gitignore file.

Use case 5: Include details about the matching pattern for each path


git check-ignore --verbose path/to/files_or_directories

Motivation: In certain cases, you may need to find out the specific rule in the .gitignore file that causes a file or directory to be ignored. The --verbose flag provides additional details about the matching patterns used.

Explanation: By using the --verbose flag, the git check-ignore command displays the pattern that matches each path being checked. This can help you understand which specific rule in the .gitignore file applies to a particular file or directory.

Example output:

.gitignore:3:path/to/file_or_directory (example/*.txt)

The example output indicates that the specified path matches the pattern example/*.txt defined in the .gitignore file.


The git check-ignore command is a valuable tool for analyzing and debugging Git ignore/exclude files. By understanding the various use cases provided in this article, you can effectively determine whether files or directories are ignored based on the rules defined in the .gitignore file. This command helps ensure that your repository only tracks the necessary and desired files, while omitting any unwanted or sensitive files.

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