How to use the command 'git checkout' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git checkout' (with examples)

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to manage their codebase efficiently. One of the most frequently used commands in Git is git checkout, which is used to switch between branches or restore files to a previous state. This article will provide a clear understanding of the various use cases of the git checkout command.

Use case 1: Create and switch to a new branch


git checkout -b branch_name


Creating a new branch is useful when you want to work on a different feature or fix a bug without modifying the existing codebase. By using git checkout -b, you can create a new branch and instantly switch to it, ensuring that all your changes are isolated from the main branch.


The -b flag is used to create a new branch. It instructs git checkout to create a branch with the specified name and switch to it. branch_name represents the desired name for the new branch.

Example output:

Switched to a new branch 'branch_name'

Use case 2: Create and switch to a new branch based on a specific reference


git checkout -b branch_name reference


Often, we need to create a new branch based on an existing branch or a specific commit. By providing a reference, such as a branch name, remote branch, or tag, we can create a new branch that branches off from the specified reference.


The -b flag is used to create a new branch, and branch_name is the desired name for the new branch. reference represents the existing branch, remote branch, or tag to base the new branch on.

Example output:

Switched to a new branch 'branch_name'

Use case 3: Switch to an existing local branch


git checkout branch_name


When collaborating on a project with multiple branches, it is essential to switch between local branches quickly. Using git checkout followed by the name of the existing branch allows you to switch from the current branch to the specified branch.


By providing the name of the existing local branch, git checkout switches the current branch to the specified branch.

Example output:

Switched to branch 'branch_name'

Use case 4: Switch to the previously checked out branch


git checkout -


Sometimes, while working on different branches, you might need to switch back and forth between two branches frequently. The git checkout - command allows you to switch to the previously checked out branch without having to specify its name explicitly.


The - symbol is used as an argument to git checkout to indicate the previously checked out branch.

Example output:

Switched to branch 'previous_branch'

Use case 5: Switch to an existing remote branch


git checkout --track remote_name/branch_name


When working collaboratively with a remote repository, it is necessary to switch to existing remote branches. By using git checkout --track, you can switch to a remote branch and have a local branch tracking changes made to the remote branch.


remote_name/branch_name represents the name of the remote branch you wish to switch to. The --track flag tells Git to create a new local branch that tracks the specified remote branch.

Example output:

Branch 'remote_name/branch_name' set up to track remote branch 'branch_name' from 'remote_name'.
Switched to a new branch 'branch_name'

Use case 6: Discard all unstaged changes in the current directory


git checkout .


When you have made modifications to multiple files in a directory and want to discard all the unstaged changes, this command comes in handy. It allows you to revert the current state of all files in the working directory to the last committed version.


The dot . is used as an argument to specify the current directory. git checkout . discards all the unstaged changes in the current directory.

Example output:

Use case 7: Discard unstaged changes to a given file


git checkout path/to/file


You might have modified a specific file and wish to discard the unstaged changes made to that file only. Using git checkout with the file path allows you to revert the file to the last committed version.


path/to/file represents the path of the specific file you want to discard the changes for. By providing the file path to git checkout, it reverts only that file to the last committed version.

Example output:

Use case 8: Replace a file in the current directory with the version of it committed in a given branch


git checkout branch_name -- path/to/file


You may want to retrieve a specific file from another branch without switching the branch entirely. By using git checkout with both the branch name and file path, you can replace the file in the current directory with the version committed in the specified branch.


branch_name refers to the branch where the desired version of the file is committed. path/to/file represents the path of the file to be replaced. git checkout branch_name -- path/to/file replaces the file in the current directory with the version from the specified branch.

Example output:


The git checkout command is a versatile tool in Git that allows you to switch branches, create new branches, and restore files to a previous state. By understanding the various use cases of git checkout, you’ll be able to effectively manage your codebase and collaborate with others more efficiently.

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