How to use the command 'git checkout-index' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git checkout-index' (with examples)

The ‘git checkout-index’ command is used to copy files from the index to the working tree. This command allows you to restore or export files from a previous commit or the current index to the working directory.

Use case 1: Restore any files deleted since the last commit


git checkout-index --all

Motivation: When working on a project, it is not uncommon to delete files and later realize that they are still needed. In such cases, the ‘git checkout-index’ command can be used to restore all the deleted files since the last commit.


  • --all: This option copies all files from the index to the working directory.

Example output:

Restoring files deleted since the last commit...

Use case 2: Restore any files deleted or changed since the last commit


git checkout-index --all --force

Motivation: There may be scenarios where you not only want to restore deleted files but also revert any changes made to existing files since the last commit. The ‘–force’ option helps to forcefully overwrite the working directory files with the index files.


  • --all: This option copies all files from the index to the working directory.
  • --force: This option forces the checkout, overwriting any local changes or modifications made to the files.

Example output:

Restoring files deleted or changed since the last commit...

Use case 3: Restore any files changed since the last commit, ignoring deleted files


git checkout-index --all --force --no-create

Motivation: Sometimes, it may be necessary to only restore files that have been changed since the last commit, while ignoring any files that have been deleted. This can help avoid accidentally overriding necessary deletions.


  • --all: This option copies all files from the index to the working directory.
  • --force: This option forces the checkout, overwriting any local changes or modifications made to the files.
  • --no-create: This option prevents the creation of files that are not already present in the working directory.

Example output:

Restoring files changed since the last commit, ignoring deletions...

Use case 4: Export a copy of the entire tree at the last commit to the specified directory


git checkout-index --all --force --prefix=path/to/export_directory/

Motivation: There may be instances where you need to export a copy of the entire tree at the last commit to a specific directory. This can be useful for creating backups or sharing specific versions of your project.


  • --all: This option copies all files from the index to the working directory.
  • --force: This option forces the checkout, overwriting any local changes or modifications made to the files.
  • --prefix=path/to/export_directory/: This option specifies the directory path where the copied files will be exported to. The trailing slash is important to indicate that it is a directory.

Example output:

Exporting a copy of the entire tree to path/to/export_directory/...


The ‘git checkout-index’ command provides several use cases for copying files from the index to the working directory. Whether you need to restore deleted or changed files or export copies of specific commits, this command provides a powerful tool for managing your project files effectively.

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