How to Use the 'git clear' Command (with Examples)

How to Use the 'git clear' Command (with Examples)

The git clear command is a specialized utility in the git-extras suite that provides a unique way to reset a Git working directory. Unlike the conventional git reset or git clean commands, git clear clears the working directory to mimic the state of a fresh clone. It does so by resetting all tracked files and deleting all untracked files, including those listed in the .gitignore file. This is particularly useful when you want to discard all changes and ensure no local clutter, such as ignored files, is left behind. Essentially, this command provides a cleaner slate without the need to reclone the repository.

Use Case: Reset All Tracked Files and Delete All Untracked Files Even if They Are Included in the .gitignore


git clear


The primary motivation for using git clear in this scenario is to completely wipe a working directory clean, resetting the repository to its original state as if it were freshly cloned. Developers often work with numerous files, some of which are ignored in version control. Over time, these ignored and untracked files can accumulate and clutter the working directory. Standard cleanup commands like git reset --hard and git clean -fdx fail to remove files listed in .gitignore. Thus, git clear offers a more thorough cleansing by ensuring even those ignored files are purged, making sure that the local environment is reset entirely. This comprehensive cleanup can be invaluable when switching between drastically different branches, recovering from complicated merge conflicts, or when local environment setups need to be refreshed entirely.


  • git clear: This command, as part of the git-extras package, instructs Git to perform an extensive cleanup operation. It resets the working directory’s tracked files to match the state of the current branch on the remote repository and deletes all untracked files, including those ignored by Git. By doing so, it essentially brings your working copy to a state that resembles a fresh clone of the repository with only necessary files remaining.

Example Output:

Executing the command might not produce a visible output but will result in a file system with only the essential files as stored in the remote repository. You might do a quick check by listing files in the directory before and after running git clear.

Before running git clear:

$ ls -A1
node_modules/   # Ignored directory
cache/          # Ignored directory

After running git clear:

$ ls -A1

In this example, the node_modules/ and cache/ directories are cleaned up, illustrating how the command effectively clears ignored as well as untracked files from the directory.


In summary, the git clear command is a powerful tool that can significantly simplify the process of resetting a working directory by ensuring that all unnecessary files, particularly those ignored and untracked, are removed. This makes it an invaluable command for developers looking to maintain a clean working environment or swiftly resolve complex issues without the additional overhead of manual cleanup or recloning the repository. Whether you’re recovering from merge conflicts, preparing for a code release, or just need a fresh start, git clear can be a crucial part of your Git workflow arsenal.

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