How to use the command `git coauthor` (with examples)

How to use the command `git coauthor` (with examples)

The git coauthor command is part of the git-extras package and allows you to add another author to the latest commit in Git. This command is useful when you want to give credit to other contributors who have contributed to the code or documentation in the commit. However, it’s important to note that git coauthor rewrites the Git history, so you will need to use the --force flag when pushing the commit to the remote repository.

Use case 1: Insert an additional author to the last Git commit


git coauthor name

Motivation: When multiple people collaborate on a project, it’s common to have commits that are the result of the effort of multiple authors. By adding an additional author to the last Git commit, you can give proper credit to all contributors involved.

Explanation: The git coauthor command takes two arguments: name and email. The name argument specifies the name of the additional author you want to add to the commit, and the email argument specifies the email address associated with that author.

Example output:

Successfully added additional author to the last commit.


In this article, we have explored the use cases of the git coauthor command. We learned how to add another author to the last Git commit, providing credit to all contributors involved. By using this command, you can easily acknowledge the collaborative efforts in your project’s commit history.

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