How to use the command "git" (with examples)

How to use the command "git" (with examples)

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase, collaborate with others, and easily manage different versions of their code. It offers a wide range of functionalities and subcommands to perform various tasks. This article will illustrate different use cases of the “git” command, covering tasks such as checking the Git version, displaying help, executing subcommands, and more.

Use case 1: Check the Git version


git --version

Motivation: It is essential to know the version of Git installed on your system, as newer versions may offer additional features and bug fixes. Additionally, when seeking help or reporting issues, knowing the Git version becomes important.

Explanation: The --version option is used to display the Git version. When executed, the command will return the current Git version installed on your system.

Example output:

git version 2.33.0

Use case 2: Show general help


git --help

Motivation: Git has a vast array of subcommands and options, making it challenging to remember everything. Therefore, whenever you need a general overview of available commands or need to refresh your memory on how to use a specific command, the --help option comes in handy.

Explanation: The --help option displays general help information for the Git command. It lists the most common subcommands, explaining what each one does, and provides a brief description of available options.

Example output:

usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value]

Use case 3: Show help on a Git subcommand


git help <subcommand>

Motivation: Each Git subcommand has its own set of options and specific usage instructions. If you require detailed information about a particular subcommand, the help option provides a comprehensive guide with examples.

Explanation: By using the help subcommand with the desired Git subcommand, you can access detailed usage information. This includes a description of the subcommand, available options, and examples detailing how to use them effectively.

Example output:


Use case 4: Execute a Git subcommand


git <subcommand>

Motivation: Git provides numerous subcommands to perform specific actions on your codebase. Using this syntax, you can directly execute any of these subcommands with the desired options and arguments.

Explanation: Replace <subcommand> with any valid Git subcommand, such as commit, add, branch, checkout, push, etc. This syntax directly executes the specified subcommand.

Example output:

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Use case 5: Execute a Git subcommand on a custom repository root path


git -C <path/to/repo> <subcommand>

Motivation: Git allows you to work with multiple repositories simultaneously. By specifying a custom repository root path, you can run Git subcommands on repositories located in different directories.

Explanation: The -C <path/to/repo> option allows you to specify a custom repository root path. This ensures that the subsequent Git subcommand is executed within the specified repository instead of the current working directory.

Example output:

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Use case 6: Execute a Git subcommand with a given configuration set


git -c 'config.key=value' <subcommand>

Motivation: Git provides a configuration system that allows you to modify various settings, including user information, commit behavior, and additional options. This use case demonstrates how to execute a subcommand with a specific configuration set temporarily.

Explanation: The -c 'config.key=value' option is used to set a Git configuration option temporarily. This is useful when you want to modify a configuration value for a specific Git command execution without affecting the global configuration.

Example output:

Switched to a new branch 'feature-123'


The “git” command provides a versatile set of functionalities to manage version control in a development project. Whether you need to check your Git version, access general help, execute subcommands, or customize configurations, Git offers a wide range of options to make your development process smoother. By understanding and utilizing these different use cases of the “git” command, developers can harness the full power of Git for efficient code collaboration and management.

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