How to use the command 'git cvsexportcommit' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git cvsexportcommit' (with examples)

The git cvsexportcommit command allows you to export a single Git commit to a CVS checkout. It is useful when you need to merge a specific patch into CVS.

Use case 1: Merge a specific patch into CVS


git cvsexportcommit -v -c -w path/to/project_cvs_checkout commit_sha1

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to merge a specific patch into the CVS checkout of a project. This can be useful when you want to incorporate changes from a Git commit into an existing CVS project.


  • -v flag: This flag enables verbose output, providing a detailed log of the export process.
  • -c flag: This flag creates an accompanying log file named .git/cvsexportcommit.log, which records the mapping between CVS revisions and Git commits.
  • -w path/to/project_cvs_checkout: This argument specifies the path to the CVS checkout of the project. Replace path/to/project_cvs_checkout with the actual path.
  • commit_sha1: This argument specifies the SHA-1 of the Git commit that you want to export to the CVS checkout.

Example output:

Exporting commit: commit_sha1
Exporting directory: path/to/project_cvs_checkout

Creating CVS directory structure...
Checking out CVS revisions...
Applying commits...
Exporting commit metadata...
Commit export completed successfully.


The git cvsexportcommit command provides a convenient way to export Git commits to a CVS checkout. In the use case outlined above, we demonstrated how to merge a specific patch into CVS using this command. By understanding the arguments and options of the command, you can incorporate Git commits into your CVS project effectively.

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