How to use the command 'git feature' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git feature' (with examples)

Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase and collaborate with others. The command ‘git feature’ is a useful addition to Git, providing a set of functionalities for creating and managing feature branches. Feature branches are typically used to isolate the development work for a specific feature or bug fix, allowing developers to work on different features simultaneously without conflicts.

Use case 1: Create and switch to a new feature branch


git feature feature_branch


Creating a new feature branch is essential when starting to work on a new feature or bug fix. By branching off from the main development branch, developers can make changes to their code without affecting the main codebase. This allows for isolated development and easier collaboration with other team members.


  • git feature: Invokes the ‘feature’ command.
  • feature_branch: The name of the feature branch you want to create.

Example output:

Switched to a new branch 'feature/feature_branch'

Use case 2: Merge a feature branch into the current branch creating a merge commit


git feature finish feature_branch


When the development work on a feature branch is complete, it often needs to be merged back into the main development branch. The ‘finish’ subcommand of ‘git feature’ allows for an easy and clean merge, creating a merge commit to preserve the commit history of the feature branch.


  • git feature finish: Invokes the ‘feature finish’ command.
  • feature_branch: The name of the feature branch you want to merge.

Example output:

Merged 'feature/feature_branch' into 'main' with a merge commit.

Use case 3: Merge a feature branch into the current branch squashing the changes into one commit


git feature finish --squash feature_branch


Sometimes, instead of preserving the complete commit history of a feature branch, it is desirable to merge the changes into one clean commit. This can help to keep the branch history cleaner and more concise, especially for smaller features or bug fixes that do not require extensive commit level details.


  • git feature finish: Invokes the ‘feature finish’ command.
  • --squash: Specifies that the changes from the feature branch should be squashed into one commit.
  • feature_branch: The name of the feature branch you want to merge.

Example output:

Squashed 'feature/feature_branch' into 'main' as a single commit.

Use case 4: Send changes from a specific feature branch to its remote counterpart


git feature feature_branch --remote remote_name


In a collaborative environment, it is often necessary to push the changes made in a feature branch to a remote repository, so that other team members can access and review the changes. The ‘feature’ command with the --remote option allows developers to easily send the changes from their local feature branch to the corresponding remote branch.


  • git feature: Invokes the ‘feature’ command.
  • feature_branch: The name of the feature branch you want to push.
  • --remote remote_name: Specifies the remote repository where the changes should be pushed. Replace ‘remote_name’ with the actual name of the remote repository.

Example output:

Pushed changes from 'feature/feature_branch' to remote 'origin'.


The ‘git feature’ command is a valuable tool for managing and working with feature branches in Git. It provides a straightforward way to create, merge, squash, and push changes from feature branches, enhancing collaboration among developers. By using the examples provided in this article, developers can make the most out of the ‘git feature’ command and streamline their workflow.

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