Using the Command 'git flow' (with examples)

Using the Command 'git flow' (with examples)

The git flow command is a collection of extensions built on top of Git to provide high-level repository operations related to branch management. This tool helps streamline the development process by implementing a branching model for projects, ensuring that collaboration and code management are more organized and efficient. With git flow, developers can work on features independently, manage releases systematically, and maintain a clean history of project developments.

Use case 1: Initialize it inside an existing Git repository


git flow init


Initializing git flow within your repository establishes a standardized branch structure that accommodates both ongoing development and stable releases. This command sets up default branch settings (often master and develop) and prefixes for different branch types. By doing so, it lays a robust foundation for organized code management and collaboration among developers.


  • git flow: Invokes the git flow command to interact with Git in a structured way.
  • init: This sub-command starts the git flow configuration process within your repository, setting up the essential branch setup required for future operations.

Example output:

Which branch should be used for feature branches?
- release 
- develop
Branch name for "feature": [feature/]

Use case 2: Start developing on a feature branch based on develop


git flow feature start feature


The ability to work on a specific feature without interfering with other developers’ work is crucial in collaborative environments. When starting a new feature branch, git flow helps isolate changes related to that feature from the main codebase. This ensures that incomplete or experimental changes don’t affect the stability of the primary development branch (develop).


  • git flow: A command to manage the branching model.
  • feature: Indicates that the command is related to feature branch operations.
  • start: Instructs git flow to create a new feature branch.
  • feature: The name of the feature you are going to develop; it’s a placeholder and can be replaced with any actual feature name (e.g., new-feature).

Example output:

Switched to a new branch 'feature/feature'
Summary of actions:
- A new branch 'feature/feature' was created, based on 'develop'
- You are now on branch 'feature/feature'

Use case 3: Finish development on a feature branch, merging it into the develop branch and deleting it


git flow feature finish feature


Once development on a particular feature is complete, it needs to be integrated back into the main development branch. The git flow feature finish command not only merges the feature branch back into develop, but it also deletes the feature branch to keep the repository tidy and avoid clutter from obsolete branches.


  • git flow: Executes Git with flow extensions.
  • feature: Signifies that the command pertains to feature branch workflow.
  • finish: Executes the process of merging and cleaning up the feature branch.
  • feature: This is the name of the feature branch you wish to finish, indicating which branch should be merged and deleted.

Example output:

Switched to branch 'develop'
Merged feature/feature into develop
Deleted branch feature/feature (was 1234abc).

Use case 4: Publish a feature to the remote server


git flow feature publish feature


Collaborating with team members on a feature often requires you to share your progress. By publishing a feature branch, you make your local changes available to the remote repository, enabling others to see what you are working on or collaborate on the same feature branch.


  • git flow: Initiates the Git flow environment.
  • feature: Contextualizes the command within feature branch operations.
  • publish: Pushes the feature branch to the remote server.
  • feature: The specific feature branch name that you are publishing.

Example output:

Counting objects: 5, done.
 * [new branch]      feature/feature -> feature/feature

Use case 5: Get a feature published by another user


git flow feature pull origin feature


In collaborative projects, it may be necessary to incorporate changes made by other developers into your local development environment. By pulling a feature branch that was published by another user, you can synchronize your local codebase with the remote changes, ensuring you’re working with the latest developments on that feature.


  • git flow: Utilizes Git with flow’s branch model.
  • feature: Indicates the command relates to feature branch activities.
  • pull: Fetches and merges the remote branch to a local branch.
  • origin: The default identifier for the remote repository.
  • feature: The name of the feature branch you want to incorporate into your local repository.

Example output:

 * branch            feature/feature -> FETCH_HEAD
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/feature/feature.


The git flow workflow provides a streamlined, systematic way to manage feature development, branch control, and versioning in software projects. By understanding and utilizing these command examples, developers can bolster their collaborative efforts, maintain cleaner project structures, and enhance deployment efficiency across their teams.

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