How to Use the Command 'git gc' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'git gc' (with examples)

The git gc command is a powerful tool in Git used to optimize the local repository by cleaning up unnecessary files and optimizing the storage and retrieval performance. It essentially stands for “garbage collection” and aims to purge your repository of redundant objects and compress file history to enhance efficiency. Regular use of git gc can maintain your repository’s health and contribute to better storage management. Below are some effective ways to employ this command in different scenarios.

Use Case 1: Optimise the Repository


git gc


To ensure a local repository runs smoothly and space is conserved, it’s quite essential to perform routine maintenance. Using the git gc command without any options is a straightforward way to clean up unnecessary files and optimize the repository structure. This action is part of maintaining a healthy Git environment which, over time, can speed up operations by reducing the total number of files and their sizes.


  • git: This is the version control system command.
  • gc: This stands for garbage collection, which in this context, refers to the process of cleaning up unnecessary files in the repository.

Example Output:

Counting objects: 100% (150/150), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (130/130), done.
Writing objects: 100% (150/150), done.
Total 150 (delta 93), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use Case 2: Aggressively Optimise, Takes More Time


git gc --aggressive


Sometimes, a repository could have accumulated a substantial amount of history and objects that need more thorough optimization. In such cases where a higher level of compression is required or when the repository size has markedly increased, the --aggressive option can be used to perform a more exhaustive garbage collection. This mode will take more time but offers more significant optimization benefits by better pruning and compressing data.


  • --aggressive: This option tells Git to use a more thorough and time-consuming algorithmic approach to optimize the repository, yielding a smaller and more efficient repository afterward.

Example Output:

Counting objects: 100% (200/200), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (180/180), done.
Writing objects: 100% (200/200), done.
Total 200 (delta 123), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use Case 3: Do Not Prune Loose Objects (Prunes by Default)


git gc --no-prune


By default, git gc prunes loose objects that are not in use. However, there might be specific instances where you might want to retain these loose objects temporarily, for instance, to safeguard against accidental object loss or for diagnostic purposes. The --no-prune option ensures that these loose objects remain intact during the garbage collection process.


  • --no-prune: This prevents the removal or deletion of loose objects that would typically get pruned during a garbage collection cycle.

Example Output:

Counting objects: 100% (150/150), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (120/120), done.
Writing objects: 100% (150/150), done.
Total 150 (delta 88), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use Case 4: Suppress All Output


git gc --quiet


This mode might be essential when integrating git gc into scripts or automated workflows where verbosity is unnecessary or when you are maintaining multiple repositories and only need the operation without any distraction or logging information. The --quiet option is suitable for these quiet, seamless operations.


  • --quiet: This option suppresses all the normal output messages that would typically be generated during the command execution to streamline processes in silent applications.

Example Output:

<No output>

Use Case 5: Display Help


git gc --help


Understanding the various features and options available with the git gc command can be crucial, especially when encountering unexpected issues or configuring a specific optimization strategy. Consulting the help documentation provides insights into the command usage, options, and configurations to execute command applications effectively.


  • --help: This flag provides the Git manual page for the git gc command, offering comprehensive guidance and additional options for use.

Example Output:

usage: git gc [<options>]

  --aggressive      spend more time to optimize the repository
  --quiet           suppress progress reporting
  --prune=<date>    prune loose objects older than <date> (default is 2 weeks ago)
  --auto            run automatically if housekeeping is required
For further options, see the 'git gc' documentation at <>


The git gc command is an essential tool for maintaining the efficiency and stability of a Git repository. From basic optimization to aggressive cleanup, it provides various options to suit different project requirements and scenarios. Understanding its functions helps manage version control environments more effectively, ensuring high performance and reliable operation in both small and large repositories.

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