How to use the command git gc (with examples)

How to use the command git gc (with examples)

Git gc is a command used to optimize the local repository by cleaning unnecessary files. It helps improve the performance of the repository by removing objects that are no longer needed. This command can be useful when the repository becomes bloated and sluggish, and needs to be optimized.

Use case 1: Optimise the repository


git gc


The motivation for running git gc is to optimize the repository by removing unnecessary objects and improving its performance. This use case is applicable when there are a lot of unused objects in the repository that can be safely removed to reduce its size.


The git gc command, when executed without any additional arguments, optimizes the repository by performing the necessary maintenance tasks. It repacks the repository by removing old and unreachable objects, and compresses the repository to reduce its size. This helps improve the performance of the repository.

Example output:

Counting objects: 1000, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (800/800), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1000/1000), done.
Total 1000 (delta 200), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use case 2: Aggressively optimize, takes more time


git gc --aggressive


In certain situations, when the repository is heavily bloated or performance is severely compromised, running the git gc command with the --aggressive option can be beneficial. This option performs a more thorough optimization, although it takes more time compared to the default optimization.


The --aggressive option instructs the git gc command to perform a more aggressive optimization on the repository. This includes additional housekeeping tasks such as performing more exhaustive garbage collection and optimizing the repository for best performance. However, this option can significantly increase the execution time of the command.

Example output:

Counting objects: 2000, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (1800/1800), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2000/2000), done.
Total 2000 (delta 200), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use case 3: Do not prune loose objects (prunes by default)


git gc --no-prune


In some scenarios, it may be necessary to skip the pruning of loose objects during the optimization process. This is particularly useful when you want to keep all objects, even if they are no longer reachable. By using the --no-prune option, the git gc command will not remove any loose objects during its execution.


The --no-prune option is used to instruct the git gc command to skip the pruning of loose objects. By default, the git gc command will remove any objects that are no longer reachable from the commit graph. However, with this option enabled, the command will not perform any pruning and will leave all loose objects intact.

Example output:

Counting objects: 1500, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (1300/1300), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1500/1500), done.
Total 1500 (delta 200), reused 0 (delta 0)

Use case 4: Suppress all output


git gc --quiet


Sometimes, when running a script or automation process, it is desirable to suppress any unnecessary output. This helps keep the output clean and concise, especially when executing the git gc command as part of a larger workflow.


The --quiet option is used to suppress all output produced by the git gc command. When this option is enabled, the command will not display any progress or result information. It is particularly useful when running the command as part of an automated process where only the final outcome is required.

Example output:

No output will be displayed when the git gc --quiet command is executed.

Use case 5: View full usage


git gc --help


To get a comprehensive understanding of the available options and usage of the git gc command, the --help option can be used. This is useful when you need more information about specific flags or want to explore advanced options that might not be covered in the basic use cases.


The --help option displays the manual page for the git gc command, providing detailed information about the available options, usage examples, and explanations of the command. It can be used to learn more about the different flags and their functionality, as well as to explore advanced options for optimizing the repository.

Example output:

GIT GC(1)                        Git Manual                        GIT GC(1)

   git-gc - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the repository

   git gc [--aggressive] [--no-prune] [--quiet] [--help]

   This command optimizes the repository by performing various cleanup
   tasks. It removes any unnecessary files and unreachable objects from
   the repository, repacks it for better performance, and performs other
   maintenance tasks. By default, `git gc` removes any objects that are no
   longer reachable and prunes loose objects. It is usually run
   automatically by Git when needed, but can also be executed manually to
   optimize the repository's performance.

       Perform an aggressive optimization that takes more time, but
       provides better results in some cases.

       Skip the pruning of loose objects, keeping all objects regardless of
       their reachability.

       Suppress all output produced by the command. Only the final result,
       if any, will be displayed.

       Display the manual page for the command, providing detailed
       information about its usage and options.

   - Optimize the repository:
       $ git gc

   - Aggressively optimize, takes more time:
       $ git gc --aggressive

   - Do not prune loose objects (prunes by default):
       $ git gc --no-prune

   - Suppress all output:
       $ git gc --quiet

   - View full usage:
       $ git gc --help

   Written by Linus Torvalds <> and Junio C Hamano

   Part of the git(1) suite

Git 2.33.1                        08/29/2021                        GIT GC(1)


The git gc command is a powerful tool for optimizing the local repository by cleaning unnecessary files. It helps improve the overall performance of the repository by removing objects that are no longer needed. By leveraging the various options provided by the command, such as --aggressive, --no-prune, and --quiet, you can tailor the optimization process to suit your specific requirements. Additionally, by utilizing the --help option, you can explore the command’s usage and understand the available options in greater detail.

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