Understanding the Power of git guilt (with examples)

Understanding the Power of git guilt (with examples)


When working with Git, one of the essential tasks is to understand the blame (or responsibility) of each line of code. Git provides the git blame command for this purpose. However, when dealing with large codebases or complex projects, a more detailed analysis is often required. This is where the git guilt command from the git-extras package comes in handy.

1: Show total blame count

Code Example:

git guilt


The first use case of git guilt is to display the total blame count for files with unstaged changes. This is useful when you want to quickly assess the overall responsibility distribution in your current workspace.


Running git guilt without any additional arguments will analyze the unstaged changes and display the total blame count for each file.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt 32
path/to/file2.js 69

2: Calculate the change in blame between two revisions

Code Example:

git guilt first_revision last_revision


In a collaborative development environment, it is often necessary to understand how the blame for a particular file has evolved over time. Calculating the change in blame between two revisions helps developers identify who contributed to the file and when those contributions occurred.


By providing two specific revisions (or commits), git guilt can calculate the change in blame for each file between these two points in the Git history.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt +10 -5
path/to/file2.js +3 -1

3: Show author emails instead of names

Code Example:

git guilt --email


Sometimes it is necessary to obtain author contact information to address specific code-related issues. By using git guilt with the --email flag, you can acquire author email addresses instead of their names.


The --email flag instructs git guilt to display the email addresses associated with the authors responsible for the code changes instead of their names.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt user1@example.com
path/to/file2.js user2@example.com

4: Ignore whitespace only changes when attributing blame

Code Example:

git guilt --ignore-whitespace


Ignoring whitespace-only changes can be useful when analyzing code contributions to identify more substantial modifications that may have occurred, rather than focusing on trivial whitespace changes.


The --ignore-whitespace flag tells git guilt to ignore whitespace-only changes when attributing blame, providing a clearer understanding of the significant code contributions.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt +3 -2
path/to/file2.js +9 -1

5: Find blame delta over the last three weeks

Code Example:

git guilt 'git log --until="3 weeks ago" --format="%H" -n 1'


When analyzing the recent code contributions within a specific timeframe, using git guilt with a custom Git log command makes it possible to pinpoint the blame delta over a specific period.


By providing a custom Git log command enclosed in single quotes as an argument to git guilt, you can specify a range of commits to analyze for blame delta. In this example, we look at the commits until “3 weeks ago” and obtain the commit hash of the oldest commit using the --format="%H" -n 1 options.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt -2
path/to/file2.js +4

6: Find blame delta over the last three weeks (git 1.8.5+)

Code Example:

git guilt @{3.weeks.ago}


Version 1.8.5 and above of Git introduced a new syntax for specifying time-based references, making it more convenient to analyze recent code contributions. This syntax can be used directly with git guilt.


The @{3.weeks.ago} syntax indicates Git should look for a reference three weeks ago and pass it as an argument to git guilt. This simplifies the process of specifying a range of commits, previously accomplished with a custom Git log command.

Example Output:

path/to/file1.txt +5
path/to/file2.js -2


The git guilt command from the git-extras package is a versatile tool for analyzing code contributions and understanding blame distribution. By using a combination of different arguments, developers can obtain detailed insights into the historical development of specific files within their Git repositories.

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