How to use the command git ignore (with examples)

How to use the command git ignore (with examples)

This article will explain how to use the git ignore command and its various use cases.


The git ignore command is a part of git-extras and is used to show or update the .gitignore files. It can be used to manage files that should be ignored by Git.

Use case 1: Show the content of all global and local .gitignore files


git ignore


This use case is useful when you want to see the contents of all the global and local .gitignore files. It helps in understanding which files and patterns are being ignored by Git.


By running git ignore without any arguments, it will display the content of both the global and local .gitignore files that are being used by Git. The global .gitignore file is usually located in the home directory, while the local .gitignore file is located in the root directory of the Git repository.

Example output:

Global .gitignore:


Local .gitignore:


Use case 2: Ignore file(s) privately, updating .git/info/exclude file


git ignore file_pattern --private


The --private option is used when you want to ignore files privately without affecting other contributors. The ignored files specified using the file_pattern argument will be added to the .git/info/exclude file, which is not tracked by Git and is specific to your local repository.


By using the --private option with the git ignore command, you can specify the file_pattern (e.g., *.log) that you want to ignore privately. The file_pattern can contain wildcards to match multiple files. The specified files will be added to the .git/info/exclude file, ensuring that they are ignored locally without affecting other contributors.

Example output:

No output will be displayed. The specified file_pattern will be added to the .git/info/exclude file.

Use case 3: Ignore file(s) locally, updating local .gitignore file


git ignore file_pattern


The git ignore command without the --private or --global options is used when you want to ignore files locally and have it tracked by Git. This is useful when you want to exclude certain files from being committed to the repository.


When you run the git ignore command with the file_pattern argument, Git will update the local .gitignore file located in the root directory of the Git repository. The file_pattern can include wildcards to match multiple files.

Example output:

No output will be displayed. The specified file_pattern will be added to the local .gitignore file.

Use case 4: Ignore file(s) globally, updating global .gitignore file


git ignore file_pattern --global


The --global option is used when you want to ignore files globally, affecting all Git repositories on your machine. This is useful when there are certain files or patterns that you want to exclude from all your Git repositories.


By using the --global option with the git ignore command, you can specify the file_pattern that you want to ignore globally. The file_pattern can contain wildcards to match multiple files. The specified files will be added to the global .gitignore file located in your home directory.

Example output:

No output will be displayed. The specified file_pattern will be added to the global .gitignore file in your home directory.


The git ignore command is a helpful tool for managing files that should be ignored by Git. By following the examples provided in this article, you can easily show and update .gitignore files based on your specific needs, whether it’s for local, global, or private exclusions.

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