Using git locked command (with examples)

Using git locked command (with examples)

1: List all local locked files


git locked


Sometimes, when working with a team on a Git repository, multiple users may be editing the same files simultaneously. This can lead to conflicts and potential loss of work if the changes are not properly merged. By using the git locked command, you can quickly identify which files are currently locked by other users, allowing you to coordinate and avoid conflicts.


This command is used to list all the files that are currently locked in the local Git repository. A locked file means that another user has a lock on that file, indicating that they are currently editing it. The lock helps prevent multiple users from simultaneously making conflicting changes to the same file.

Example Output

app.js (locked by UserA)
main.css (locked by UserB)
index.html (locked by UserC)

In this example, the git locked command outputs a list of locked files in the repository. It shows the name of each locked file along with the username of the user who has the lock on that file.


The git locked command is a useful tool for managing collaboration in a Git repository. It allows you to quickly identify which files are currently locked by other users, helping you coordinate your work and avoid conflicts.

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